The following is summarynya .. "Spring has arrived in Gensokyo. BUT ... I still bersaju? Reimu Hakurei shrine that the guard should be in charge of maintaining the balance of nature in Gensokyo even lazy and uncaring act badly this youkai. Finally Marisa, friends Reimu, himself intervened to defeat the youkai. marisa What could solve this problem? "

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Bhs. Indonesia
Short Speech Example .. '
System of education
Hello wr.wb.First, I want to say thank you very much for the MC and the judges who have given meopportunity to give a speech in English.Ladies and Gentlemen;It is a great honor for me to stand here and give a short speech entitled "Formal Educationin Indonesia "Gentlemen; education system in our country is divided into twolarge part, their formal andnon-formal. A formal education is divided into three levels: primary, secondary andtertiary education. While non-formal education for students who do getdifficult to meet the requirements in formal education. Examples of non-formalPLS Education (School Education). Both formal and non-formal education aimsto realize the process of education in our country.Ladies and Gentlemen;As I have stated previously, formal education involves three levels: primary, tertiary education sekunderdan. Before entering primary school or elementary school, children in ourcountries usually have attended kindergarten, otherwise known as kindergarten. But thiseducation is not required for citizens of Indonesia, as the goal is only to preparedasar.Anak them for school children aged 7-12 attend primary education in primary school or Dasar.Tingkat School education is compulsory for all citizens of Indonesia. Similar to pendidikansistem in the United States and Australia, students must study for six years to complete the degree ini.Beberapa schools offer accelerated learning programs, in which students perform baikdapat completing primary school in five years.The next level is secondary education. After graduating from elementary school students,attending high school or secondary school (junior high school) for three tahundari ages 13-15. After three years of school and graduation, students can moveto high school. In Indonesia, the school is basically divided into two types:High School (High School) and SMK (vocational high school). SMASMK different in their studies. The students at the school are ready to advance to thetertiary or university education, while vocational students as vocational schoolsready ready to work after completing their schooling without having to go to theuniversity / college last tinggi.Tingkat education in our country is a tertiary education. Memilikilulus of high school students who can attend to university or college. They can chooseany kind of university or college based on their importance or scope of knowledge, toExamples of English majors, Mathematics, or university teacher training.Ladies and Gentlemen; brothers and sisters;I think it's all my speech. I hope my brief explanation of formal education in ourcountries would be useful for kita.Akhirnya, I would like to apologize if there is an error in the words of the speech me.Thanks a lot for your attention.Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
Short Speech Example .. '
System of education
Hello wr.wb.First, I want to say thank you very much for the MC and the judges who have given meopportunity to give a speech in English.Ladies and Gentlemen;It is a great honor for me to stand here and give a short speech entitled "Formal Educationin Indonesia "Gentlemen; education system in our country is divided into twolarge part, their formal andnon-formal. A formal education is divided into three levels: primary, secondary andtertiary education. While non-formal education for students who do getdifficult to meet the requirements in formal education. Examples of non-formalPLS Education (School Education). Both formal and non-formal education aimsto realize the process of education in our country.Ladies and Gentlemen;As I have stated previously, formal education involves three levels: primary, tertiary education sekunderdan. Before entering primary school or elementary school, children in ourcountries usually have attended kindergarten, otherwise known as kindergarten. But thiseducation is not required for citizens of Indonesia, as the goal is only to preparedasar.Anak them for school children aged 7-12 attend primary education in primary school or Dasar.Tingkat School education is compulsory for all citizens of Indonesia. Similar to pendidikansistem in the United States and Australia, students must study for six years to complete the degree ini.Beberapa schools offer accelerated learning programs, in which students perform baikdapat completing primary school in five years.The next level is secondary education. After graduating from elementary school students,attending high school or secondary school (junior high school) for three tahundari ages 13-15. After three years of school and graduation, students can moveto high school. In Indonesia, the school is basically divided into two types:High School (High School) and SMK (vocational high school). SMASMK different in their studies. The students at the school are ready to advance to thetertiary or university education, while vocational students as vocational schoolsready ready to work after completing their schooling without having to go to theuniversity / college last tinggi.Tingkat education in our country is a tertiary education. Memilikilulus of high school students who can attend to university or college. They can chooseany kind of university or college based on their importance or scope of knowledge, toExamples of English majors, Mathematics, or university teacher training.Ladies and Gentlemen; brothers and sisters;I think it's all my speech. I hope my brief explanation of formal education in ourcountries would be useful for kita.Akhirnya, I would like to apologize if there is an error in the words of the speech me.Thanks a lot for your attention.Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
History Pinrang district.
Pinrang origin city, an event during the reign Sawitto La Paleteang King IV, Kingdom Sawitto. Where at that time there was fighting between Sawitto and Gowa, this war happened because Gowa as a great empire, attempted to master the conditions and potential Sawitto promising harapaan stack. Various measures have been used Gowato master Sawitto through aggression and war occurred between Sawitto and Gowa about the Year 1540. Soldiers parjurit Sawitto vigorously oppose royal servant desperately to maintain and defend the earth with defeat on the part Sawitto berkesudahaan so the king La Paleteang and his wife were taken to Gowa Gowa as a sign of victory over Sawitto.
Cloud covering people's sadness over the departure of the king a wise and prudent. Efforts made freeing the king as a royal consort Sawitto. Finally, a consensus was elected two Tobarani kingdom, namely Tolengo and To Kipa for the task of freeing the king and queen.
Then the two brothers set out to Gowa who managed to bring home the king La Paleteang its permaisurnya. The arrival of the king with the empress, was greeted with excitement and in elu-hailed all the way to the palace. Behind the fun, they were thrilled to see the condition of the king who experienced a lot of changes while mengatakaan "in the tappa Pinran kana na ri Gowa datue pole". Which means that the monarch's face menagalami change back from Gowa. The words came out of this is always the people who accompany the king. When the king beristrahat while before arriving at the palace of the king to his introduction bertitahlah to call the place with the name Pinrang.
Another source said the former settlement of Pinrang swamps inundated always makes people move constantly looking for residential areas that are free standing water, moving or changing settlement, the Bugis language called "PINRA-PINRA ONROANG" after people find a good settlement, then gave place: PINRA-PINRA.
Of the two different histories was born the same term as "PINRA" then said that the development is influenced by intonation and dialect bugis so be Pinrang currently enshrined into Pinrang. As we know that when the Japanese entered Pinrang circa 1943 colonial legacy administration system with complete structure consisting of 4 (four) autonomous, each unoccupied Sawitto, Swapraja Stone Lappa, Swapraja Kassa and Autonomous Suppa. When Pinrang be onder-section under section Parepare While Parepare section is one section of the seven existing department in the province.
Pinrang origin city, an event during the reign Sawitto La Paleteang King IV, Kingdom Sawitto. Where at that time there was fighting between Sawitto and Gowa, this war happened because Gowa as a great empire, attempted to master the conditions and potential Sawitto promising harapaan stack. Various measures have been used Gowato master Sawitto through aggression and war occurred between Sawitto and Gowa about the Year 1540. Soldiers parjurit Sawitto vigorously oppose royal servant desperately to maintain and defend the earth with defeat on the part Sawitto berkesudahaan so the king La Paleteang and his wife were taken to Gowa Gowa as a sign of victory over Sawitto.
Cloud covering people's sadness over the departure of the king a wise and prudent. Efforts made freeing the king as a royal consort Sawitto. Finally, a consensus was elected two Tobarani kingdom, namely Tolengo and To Kipa for the task of freeing the king and queen.
Then the two brothers set out to Gowa who managed to bring home the king La Paleteang its permaisurnya. The arrival of the king with the empress, was greeted with excitement and in elu-hailed all the way to the palace. Behind the fun, they were thrilled to see the condition of the king who experienced a lot of changes while mengatakaan "in the tappa Pinran kana na ri Gowa datue pole". Which means that the monarch's face menagalami change back from Gowa. The words came out of this is always the people who accompany the king. When the king beristrahat while before arriving at the palace of the king to his introduction bertitahlah to call the place with the name Pinrang.
Another source said the former settlement of Pinrang swamps inundated always makes people move constantly looking for residential areas that are free standing water, moving or changing settlement, the Bugis language called "PINRA-PINRA ONROANG" after people find a good settlement, then gave place: PINRA-PINRA.
Of the two different histories was born the same term as "PINRA" then said that the development is influenced by intonation and dialect bugis so be Pinrang currently enshrined into Pinrang. As we know that when the Japanese entered Pinrang circa 1943 colonial legacy administration system with complete structure consisting of 4 (four) autonomous, each unoccupied Sawitto, Swapraja Stone Lappa, Swapraja Kassa and Autonomous Suppa. When Pinrang be onder-section under section Parepare While Parepare section is one section of the seven existing department in the province.
Faith To the Messenger of Allah swt.
Faith in the apostles is the fourth pillar of faith. Every Muslim obliged to trust and believe in the messengers. Faith means believing apostles wholeheartedly that the apostle is one who has received revelation from Allah swt. To be delivered to his people to believe.
As a messenger of Allah, to guide people, apostles and prophets have the right, among others:1. Obeyed and followed all the sunna, the decision, and its provisions take precedence over the others.2. Loved by way of implementing its commandments and prohibitions menjahui everything.3. Treated as sincere, honest, and sincere.4. Respected in accordance noble and lofty position.5. Loved his friends, especially his best friendwere very close to him;6. Invocation recited it.With the existence of this right does not mean that the prophets and apostles in the struggle to establish the religion of Allah, in return. Basically, the prophets and the apostles did so solely for Allah.A. Prophets and MessengersProphets are people who get a revelation from God Almighty, for himself without berkewakjiban pass it on to someone else. Apostles are those who receive your revelation than for himself obliged to pass it on to someone else
The verses of the Qur'an which contains the faith of the apostles, among others1. Surah Al-Mu'minun paragraph 78;2. Sura An-Nahl, verse 43;3. Surah Al-Baqarah verse 285;4. Surah Al-Furqan verse 20;5. Suarah As-Saba verse 28;6. Surah At-Tawbah Verse 1287. Voice of Al-Mâ'idah paragraph 15;8. Surah An-Nisa verse 164;9. Surah Al-Mâ'idah verse 41The number of the apostles were sent Alla swt. Very much. Among the apostles it was told in the Quran that there is not. According to the narratives Ahmat, the number of prophets is 124,000, while the apostle 315 people.
Mandatory nature of the Apostles: Fingerprint: True Amanah: can trust. Tabliq: convey revelation Fatanah: intelligent and agile.
Odds properties: Kizib: berudusta treasonous: betrayal, deny kitman: hide the revelation Baladah: stupid
B. Messengers and Miracles
The task of the apostles is very heavy and often challenged the apostles and humiliation, even torture. Hence, the apostles equipped miracles.
Miracles have a meaning and a very important role for the apostle in his apostolic task. Basically there are two main functions of miracles, namely:
1) Miracles as evidence that people who carry or have indeed truly an apostle messenger of Allah;2) Miracles as a weapon for the apostle who used to face his enemies.
Jumlanya many miracles, but the circumstances and nature different from one another. Thus, miracles can be grouped into four types, namely:
kauniyah Miracles are miracles associated with the occurrence of natural events, such as, defended the moon into two ole Muhammat Prophet PBUH. And dibelahnya the Red Sea by Moses A.S. with a stick. syahsiah Miracles are miracles out of the body of a prophet or apostle, like water coming out the cracks fingers prophet pbuh, moonlight radiating from the hand of the prophet Moses, and cure the blind and the leper by the Prophet Isa,. salbiyah miracle is a miracle that made something helpless, like when prophet Ibrahim, was burned by King Nimrod, but the fire burned so does not work. Alkiyah miracle is the miracle of a rational or reasonable, Contonya is the only miracle of the Qur'an.
Faith in the apostles is the fourth pillar of faith. Every Muslim obliged to trust and believe in the messengers. Faith means believing apostles wholeheartedly that the apostle is one who has received revelation from Allah swt. To be delivered to his people to believe.
As a messenger of Allah, to guide people, apostles and prophets have the right, among others:1. Obeyed and followed all the sunna, the decision, and its provisions take precedence over the others.2. Loved by way of implementing its commandments and prohibitions menjahui everything.3. Treated as sincere, honest, and sincere.4. Respected in accordance noble and lofty position.5. Loved his friends, especially his best friendwere very close to him;6. Invocation recited it.With the existence of this right does not mean that the prophets and apostles in the struggle to establish the religion of Allah, in return. Basically, the prophets and the apostles did so solely for Allah.A. Prophets and MessengersProphets are people who get a revelation from God Almighty, for himself without berkewakjiban pass it on to someone else. Apostles are those who receive your revelation than for himself obliged to pass it on to someone else
The verses of the Qur'an which contains the faith of the apostles, among others1. Surah Al-Mu'minun paragraph 78;2. Sura An-Nahl, verse 43;3. Surah Al-Baqarah verse 285;4. Surah Al-Furqan verse 20;5. Suarah As-Saba verse 28;6. Surah At-Tawbah Verse 1287. Voice of Al-Mâ'idah paragraph 15;8. Surah An-Nisa verse 164;9. Surah Al-Mâ'idah verse 41The number of the apostles were sent Alla swt. Very much. Among the apostles it was told in the Quran that there is not. According to the narratives Ahmat, the number of prophets is 124,000, while the apostle 315 people.
Mandatory nature of the Apostles: Fingerprint: True Amanah: can trust. Tabliq: convey revelation Fatanah: intelligent and agile.
Odds properties: Kizib: berudusta treasonous: betrayal, deny kitman: hide the revelation Baladah: stupid
B. Messengers and Miracles
The task of the apostles is very heavy and often challenged the apostles and humiliation, even torture. Hence, the apostles equipped miracles.
Miracles have a meaning and a very important role for the apostle in his apostolic task. Basically there are two main functions of miracles, namely:
1) Miracles as evidence that people who carry or have indeed truly an apostle messenger of Allah;2) Miracles as a weapon for the apostle who used to face his enemies.
Jumlanya many miracles, but the circumstances and nature different from one another. Thus, miracles can be grouped into four types, namely:
kauniyah Miracles are miracles associated with the occurrence of natural events, such as, defended the moon into two ole Muhammat Prophet PBUH. And dibelahnya the Red Sea by Moses A.S. with a stick. syahsiah Miracles are miracles out of the body of a prophet or apostle, like water coming out the cracks fingers prophet pbuh, moonlight radiating from the hand of the prophet Moses, and cure the blind and the leper by the Prophet Isa,. salbiyah miracle is a miracle that made something helpless, like when prophet Ibrahim, was burned by King Nimrod, but the fire burned so does not work. Alkiyah miracle is the miracle of a rational or reasonable, Contonya is the only miracle of the Qur'an.
In the 9th century to 15th century, books such as Aristotle's De interpretatione, Eisagoge by Porphyus and works of Boethius wasis used.
Thomas Aquinas 1224-1274 and his friends try to establish logical systematization.Thus was born the modern logic with figures such as:• Peter Hispanus (1210 - 1278)• Roger Bacon (1214-1292)• Raymundus Lullus (1232 -1315) who discovered a new method of logic called Ars Magna, which is a kind of algebraic understanding.• William Ocham (1295 - 1349)Development and use of a pure Aristotelian logic forwarded by Thomas Hobbes (1588 - 1679) with his work Leviathan and John Locke (1632-1704) in An Essay Concerning Human UnderstandingFrancis Bacon (1561 - 1626) to develop inductive logic introduced in his Novum Organum Scientiarum.J.S. Mills (1806 - 1873) continued the emphasis on thinking logic of induction in his System of LogicThen logic enriched by the presence of pioneers such as symbolic logic:• Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) compiled by Ars Magna algebraic logic of Raymundus Lullus. Logic is intended to simplify the work of reason and further refine certainty.• George Boole (1815-1864)• John Venn (1834-1923)• Gottlob Frege (1848 - 1925)•Then Chares Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), a philosopher of the United States who has taught at Johns Hopkins University, complete with symbolic logic works he wrote. He introduced the argument Peirce (Peirce's Law) that interprets the logic as a general theory of signs (general theory of signs)Symbolic logic heyday occurred in 1910-1913 with the publication of three volumes of Principia Mathematica which is a joint work of Alfred North Whitehead (1861 - 1914) and Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970).Symbolic Logic and forwarded by Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970), Kurt Godel (1906-1978), and others.Logic as a pure mathematicianThe logic in the category of pure mathematics because mathematics is logic tersistematisasi. Mathematics is a logical approach to the geometry methods that use signs or mathematical symbols (symbolic logic). Tersistematisasi logic introduced by two medical doctors, Galenus (130-201 AD) and Sextus Empiricus (around 200 AD) who developed logic by applying geometry.The peak occurred in symbolic logic 1910-1913 with the publication of three volumes of Principia Mathematica which is a joint work of Alfred North Whitehead (1861 - 1914) and Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970).Uses logic1. Help everyone learn the logic to think rationally, critically, straight, fixed, orderly, methodical and coherent.2. Improving the ability to think abstractly, careful, and objective.3. Adding intelligence and improve thinking skills sharp and independent.4. Forcing and encouraging people to think for themselves by using the principles of systematic5. Increases love for the truth and avoid berpkir mistakes, errors and error.6. Able to perform analysis of an event.7. Protected from the occult, gugon-tuhon (Javanese)8. When it is able to think rationally, critically, straight, methodical and analytical, as mentioned in the first item will increase a person's self-image.
Thomas Aquinas 1224-1274 and his friends try to establish logical systematization.Thus was born the modern logic with figures such as:• Peter Hispanus (1210 - 1278)• Roger Bacon (1214-1292)• Raymundus Lullus (1232 -1315) who discovered a new method of logic called Ars Magna, which is a kind of algebraic understanding.• William Ocham (1295 - 1349)Development and use of a pure Aristotelian logic forwarded by Thomas Hobbes (1588 - 1679) with his work Leviathan and John Locke (1632-1704) in An Essay Concerning Human UnderstandingFrancis Bacon (1561 - 1626) to develop inductive logic introduced in his Novum Organum Scientiarum.J.S. Mills (1806 - 1873) continued the emphasis on thinking logic of induction in his System of LogicThen logic enriched by the presence of pioneers such as symbolic logic:• Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) compiled by Ars Magna algebraic logic of Raymundus Lullus. Logic is intended to simplify the work of reason and further refine certainty.• George Boole (1815-1864)• John Venn (1834-1923)• Gottlob Frege (1848 - 1925)•Then Chares Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), a philosopher of the United States who has taught at Johns Hopkins University, complete with symbolic logic works he wrote. He introduced the argument Peirce (Peirce's Law) that interprets the logic as a general theory of signs (general theory of signs)Symbolic logic heyday occurred in 1910-1913 with the publication of three volumes of Principia Mathematica which is a joint work of Alfred North Whitehead (1861 - 1914) and Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970).Symbolic Logic and forwarded by Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970), Kurt Godel (1906-1978), and others.Logic as a pure mathematicianThe logic in the category of pure mathematics because mathematics is logic tersistematisasi. Mathematics is a logical approach to the geometry methods that use signs or mathematical symbols (symbolic logic). Tersistematisasi logic introduced by two medical doctors, Galenus (130-201 AD) and Sextus Empiricus (around 200 AD) who developed logic by applying geometry.The peak occurred in symbolic logic 1910-1913 with the publication of three volumes of Principia Mathematica which is a joint work of Alfred North Whitehead (1861 - 1914) and Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970).Uses logic1. Help everyone learn the logic to think rationally, critically, straight, fixed, orderly, methodical and coherent.2. Improving the ability to think abstractly, careful, and objective.3. Adding intelligence and improve thinking skills sharp and independent.4. Forcing and encouraging people to think for themselves by using the principles of systematic5. Increases love for the truth and avoid berpkir mistakes, errors and error.6. Able to perform analysis of an event.7. Protected from the occult, gugon-tuhon (Javanese)8. When it is able to think rationally, critically, straight, methodical and analytical, as mentioned in the first item will increase a person's self-image.
Kitap Gurutta KH-Kitap work. Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle ...!
As scholars, Gurutta H. Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle many problems kesufian unravel in the works he wrote. But, it is not limited to it, but almost all branches of religious knowledgehe peeled through, such as theology, Islamic morals, balaghah, logic, and others. All of it is reflected through his writing essay-which account for 25 titles. Kitab Al-Sadiq fi Ma'rifatil Qaulus Khalaqi, which elaborated on the correct words in recognizing God and devotion to His ordinances. According Gurutta, only humans can know the nature of the court of the nature of God if they knew about him. To glorify God, not just berbekalkan logic sense, but by doing the right remembrance as intermediaries to reach makripat to God. Although it must be recognized that the logic must be used to think of the universe as a creation of God Almighty.It suggests that a way must be true remembrance, as taught by the Prophet based on the arguments naqli? Hearts to be committed and should not be shaken. Establishment and attitudes reflected in the books of Aqeedah Al-Risala al-Islamiyah Bahiyyah fil Aqail which consists of three volumes. Dependability stand on something that had been believed to be correct, is reflected in his book Maziyyah Ahlusunnah wal Jama'ah.Which addresses the Arabic language and usul-ushulnya written in the book Tanwirut Talib, Tanwirut Thullab, Irsyadut Thullab? On science Balagha (literature and paramasastra) book entitled Ahsanul Uslubi wa-Siyaqah, Namuzajul Insya'I, explaining vocabulary, and how to prepare Arabic sentences. Book Sullamul Lughah, explaining vocabulary, conversation and reading. The most prominent is the book Irsyadul Salih. which describe a detailed explanation (Sharh the rules of science verses Nahwu)AG.H. Abd. Rahman Ambo Dalle also authored the guidelines discussed in Arabic, the book and the science Miftahul Muzakarah mantiq (logic) in the book Miftahul Fuhum fil Mi'yarif Ulum. Writing activities conducted by Gurutta presumably not too heavy, because the call to carve his ideas in the canvas already lakoni since I was 20 years old.
As scholars, Gurutta H. Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle many problems kesufian unravel in the works he wrote. But, it is not limited to it, but almost all branches of religious knowledgehe peeled through, such as theology, Islamic morals, balaghah, logic, and others. All of it is reflected through his writing essay-which account for 25 titles. Kitab Al-Sadiq fi Ma'rifatil Qaulus Khalaqi, which elaborated on the correct words in recognizing God and devotion to His ordinances. According Gurutta, only humans can know the nature of the court of the nature of God if they knew about him. To glorify God, not just berbekalkan logic sense, but by doing the right remembrance as intermediaries to reach makripat to God. Although it must be recognized that the logic must be used to think of the universe as a creation of God Almighty.It suggests that a way must be true remembrance, as taught by the Prophet based on the arguments naqli? Hearts to be committed and should not be shaken. Establishment and attitudes reflected in the books of Aqeedah Al-Risala al-Islamiyah Bahiyyah fil Aqail which consists of three volumes. Dependability stand on something that had been believed to be correct, is reflected in his book Maziyyah Ahlusunnah wal Jama'ah.Which addresses the Arabic language and usul-ushulnya written in the book Tanwirut Talib, Tanwirut Thullab, Irsyadut Thullab? On science Balagha (literature and paramasastra) book entitled Ahsanul Uslubi wa-Siyaqah, Namuzajul Insya'I, explaining vocabulary, and how to prepare Arabic sentences. Book Sullamul Lughah, explaining vocabulary, conversation and reading. The most prominent is the book Irsyadul Salih. which describe a detailed explanation (Sharh the rules of science verses Nahwu)AG.H. Abd. Rahman Ambo Dalle also authored the guidelines discussed in Arabic, the book and the science Miftahul Muzakarah mantiq (logic) in the book Miftahul Fuhum fil Mi'yarif Ulum. Writing activities conducted by Gurutta presumably not too heavy, because the call to carve his ideas in the canvas already lakoni since I was 20 years old.
Anre Gurutta H. A. R. Ambo DallePanritta The Passing time .. '!We need to know .. Gurutta Panrita history ... that when I read it I was a member of motivation in life ..
Gurutta born of noble families are still thick, around 1900 AD, in the Village District UjungE Tanasitolo, Wajo, about 7 miles north Sengkang? His father was Andi Ngati Patobo Daeng and his mother named Andi Candara Goddess.Both parents he gave the name of Ambo Dale?Ambo Dalle means father and means of sustenance. It is hoped that future children live with abundant sustenance enough. The name of Abd. Rahman is given by a scholar named K.H. Mohammed Isaac, when he was 7 years old and was able to memorize the Qur'an. (No. Amanah Magazine. 61 p. 2)As the only child of the couple's nobility Wajo, Gurutta not let it become a spoiled kid. Early on he had forged with the spirit of independence and self-discipline, especially in religious matters. Initially, Ambo Dalle submitted on a young aunt to study the Koran for 15 days and after that his mother took over for menggemblengnya every day. A mother's love for her son was in the other not because of concerns that the extreme only son got a bad influence of his peers.Background Gurutta ..!Gurutta debuted education at Volk School (Primary school) afternoon and evening, while he was using to study the Koran, so the timing is not too much to play outside?Furthermore, he continued teachings by learning tajweed, Nahwu sharaf and memorize the Qur'an in Islamic cleric KH? Muhammad Ishak. Although a lot of time to learn, but the remnants of the existing time he use to play the ball into kegemaranya. Gurutta are good players who can dribble raced so called "Si Rusa" (Gatra Magazine, February 1996 edition).Gurutta not only learn the Quran sciences such as recitation, qiraat seven, Nahwu sharaf, commentary, and fikhi, but he had followed in his Dutch language course? Had also studied at the School Teachers held Syarikat Islam (SI) in Makassar.Opportunities to study a lot more open when has Wajo based cleric who returned from Mecca after studying there? Among Sayid Ali Al Ahdal, Haji Shamsuddin, Haji Omme Ambo, which intends to open lectures in their own country, such as interpretation, fikhi, and Nahwu sharaf. Meanwhile, the Royal Wajo (White Matoa) with White Ennengnge (White Lily), are pleased to receive guest scholars. Therefore, the kingdom where he was raised frequently arrival scholars of Mecca. Among the cleric is Sheikh Muhammad Al-Jawad, Abdullah Dahlan and Sayid Sayid Hassan Al-Yamani (Grandfather Dr. Zaki Yamani, former oil minister of Saudi Arabia).At that time religious study done by sorogan (sitting cross-legged system); teacher read the book, the students hear and listen to the teacher talk? The success of learning depends on the intelligence of the students in the teacher overheard. In 1928, when H. Muhammad As'ad ibn Abdul Rashid Al-Bugisy, Bugis Wajo a scholar who was born and lived in Mecca returned to the land of his ancestors, Gurutta not waste the golden opportunity that he went to Sengkang to gain knowledge from the great teacher.Presumably, the good fortune to yourself Gurutta mengguratkan line? By completeness stock (physical and mental) are mature, who has memorized the Qur'an them since the age of 7 years, plus other knowledge so as to be authorized to attend classes organized by Anregurutta H. Muhammad As'ad in Sengkang is comprehensive. This system is more focused understanding than rote so very imprint for Gurutta and making it more thoroughly in all science given reap the teacher.One time, Anregurutta Puang Aji Sade (as the Bugis hello) to test students verbally, including Gurutta? Apparently the answer he is considered the most appropriate and valid. So, since he was appointed as an assistant. In 1935, he went to the Holy Land to perform the pilgrimage and settled a few months there to deepen the science of religion, in a Sheikh at Mecca. As an Ambo Dalle Gurutta when asked about the things that are unseen, the teacher gave the book Khazinatul Asraril Qubra. "Just read the book, all you want to ask and learn there," said Sheikh who gave the book. From there Gurutta Wali Allah knows the secrets of life in ancient times.Gurutta also practice the knowledge gained from the book, and since then also he was dubbed by the students with the means Gurutta call our teachers. Later Gurutta many experiencing supernatural events that are not experienced by ordinary people, for example, begins with a dream to read the book and immediately memorize it when waking from sleep.
Gurutta born of noble families are still thick, around 1900 AD, in the Village District UjungE Tanasitolo, Wajo, about 7 miles north Sengkang? His father was Andi Ngati Patobo Daeng and his mother named Andi Candara Goddess.Both parents he gave the name of Ambo Dale?Ambo Dalle means father and means of sustenance. It is hoped that future children live with abundant sustenance enough. The name of Abd. Rahman is given by a scholar named K.H. Mohammed Isaac, when he was 7 years old and was able to memorize the Qur'an. (No. Amanah Magazine. 61 p. 2)As the only child of the couple's nobility Wajo, Gurutta not let it become a spoiled kid. Early on he had forged with the spirit of independence and self-discipline, especially in religious matters. Initially, Ambo Dalle submitted on a young aunt to study the Koran for 15 days and after that his mother took over for menggemblengnya every day. A mother's love for her son was in the other not because of concerns that the extreme only son got a bad influence of his peers.Background Gurutta ..!Gurutta debuted education at Volk School (Primary school) afternoon and evening, while he was using to study the Koran, so the timing is not too much to play outside?Furthermore, he continued teachings by learning tajweed, Nahwu sharaf and memorize the Qur'an in Islamic cleric KH? Muhammad Ishak. Although a lot of time to learn, but the remnants of the existing time he use to play the ball into kegemaranya. Gurutta are good players who can dribble raced so called "Si Rusa" (Gatra Magazine, February 1996 edition).Gurutta not only learn the Quran sciences such as recitation, qiraat seven, Nahwu sharaf, commentary, and fikhi, but he had followed in his Dutch language course? Had also studied at the School Teachers held Syarikat Islam (SI) in Makassar.Opportunities to study a lot more open when has Wajo based cleric who returned from Mecca after studying there? Among Sayid Ali Al Ahdal, Haji Shamsuddin, Haji Omme Ambo, which intends to open lectures in their own country, such as interpretation, fikhi, and Nahwu sharaf. Meanwhile, the Royal Wajo (White Matoa) with White Ennengnge (White Lily), are pleased to receive guest scholars. Therefore, the kingdom where he was raised frequently arrival scholars of Mecca. Among the cleric is Sheikh Muhammad Al-Jawad, Abdullah Dahlan and Sayid Sayid Hassan Al-Yamani (Grandfather Dr. Zaki Yamani, former oil minister of Saudi Arabia).At that time religious study done by sorogan (sitting cross-legged system); teacher read the book, the students hear and listen to the teacher talk? The success of learning depends on the intelligence of the students in the teacher overheard. In 1928, when H. Muhammad As'ad ibn Abdul Rashid Al-Bugisy, Bugis Wajo a scholar who was born and lived in Mecca returned to the land of his ancestors, Gurutta not waste the golden opportunity that he went to Sengkang to gain knowledge from the great teacher.Presumably, the good fortune to yourself Gurutta mengguratkan line? By completeness stock (physical and mental) are mature, who has memorized the Qur'an them since the age of 7 years, plus other knowledge so as to be authorized to attend classes organized by Anregurutta H. Muhammad As'ad in Sengkang is comprehensive. This system is more focused understanding than rote so very imprint for Gurutta and making it more thoroughly in all science given reap the teacher.One time, Anregurutta Puang Aji Sade (as the Bugis hello) to test students verbally, including Gurutta? Apparently the answer he is considered the most appropriate and valid. So, since he was appointed as an assistant. In 1935, he went to the Holy Land to perform the pilgrimage and settled a few months there to deepen the science of religion, in a Sheikh at Mecca. As an Ambo Dalle Gurutta when asked about the things that are unseen, the teacher gave the book Khazinatul Asraril Qubra. "Just read the book, all you want to ask and learn there," said Sheikh who gave the book. From there Gurutta Wali Allah knows the secrets of life in ancient times.Gurutta also practice the knowledge gained from the book, and since then also he was dubbed by the students with the means Gurutta call our teachers. Later Gurutta many experiencing supernatural events that are not experienced by ordinary people, for example, begins with a dream to read the book and immediately memorize it when waking from sleep.
Let people .. never know what items are stored in the warehouse that I took the Duchy. Let my father never knew to whom I gave the stuff. Duke Wilatikta increasingly angry at his son's attitude. Raden Said no answer to whether he stole the goods of the earth are going to be paid to the Majapahit.But for that Raden Said should be punished, because stealing is a crime for the first time did he just get punishedtwo hundred times the whip hand. Then held for a few days, can not leave the house.Jerakah Raden Said the punishment that has been received? After he came out of the penalty completely out of the palace. It never came home that could worry his mother and sister. What to do next Said Raden?He wore special masks, clad all in black, and then rob the rich in Tuban district. Especially rich people are stingy and the Duchy of fraudulent officials. Assets rose loot given to the poor and those who suffer more. But when these actions reached a saturation point there are people who intend harm.There is a leader who knows the true robber Raden Said action wealthy officials looted treasures, then leader of robber was wearing clothes similar to Raden Said, even wearing a mask as a mask Raden Said too.One night, Raden Said who recently completed evening prayers heard screams of the villagers that the village was looted robbers.He immediately went to the scene. Once you know the arrival Raden Said, robbers fled immediately scattered. Live their leaders who are busy raping a pretty girl. Raden Said break down the door of the girl who was raped. In a room he saw someone dressed like him, also wearing a similar mask was trying to put her clothes back. Apparently he had finished raping her.Raden Said tried to catch the robber. But the leader of robber was able to escape. Suddenly the sound of drums pounding in time, people from other villages came to the place itu.Pada that's when the new girl raped robber was wasting away and caught it tightly hand Raden Said. Raden Said panicked and kebingungan.Para youths from other villages rushed in with guns drawn. Raden Said was arrested and taken to the house of the village head.The village head who was curious to try to unmask the face Raden Said. Once you know who the man behind the mask was the chief of the village so silenced. It had not he thought that the robber was the son of the lord himself Raden Said. Gegerlah society at that time. Said Raden be robbers and rapists. The girl who was raped is strong evidence and living witnesses the incident.The village leaders are still trying to close a disgrace lord. Secretly he brought to the palace Duchy Raden Said Tuban crowds unnoticed. Of course, the Duke was angry. The Duke has always felt love and always defend her this time too furious. Raden Said was expelled from the territory of the Duchy of Tuban."Get out of the Duchy of Tuban this!" You have tarnished the good name of your own family! go! do not come back before you can vibrate the walls of the palace's Duchy Tuban with verses of the Qur'an that you often read at night! "The Duke Wilatikta also very upset over the incident. Raden Said which is expected to replace his position as Duke of Tuban finds that it is possible in that direction. Sirna has any hope of the duke. There is only one person who can not trust deed Raden Said, the Goddess Rasawulan, brother Raden said. Raden Said it clean noble spirited and highly unlikely commit lewdness. Whose hearts are not destroyed an incident like this. Raden Said intends to help the poor and the suffering but as a result it is he himself who had to swallow the pain. Expelled from the Duchy of Tuban.Which parent does not know the kid hit his inner yearning heart suddenly evil and destroy the name and its own future. But that event had to be experienced by Raden Said. If there is no such slander, Raden Said perhaps not going to be a great scholar, a saint who was admired by the entire population of Java. Said Raden actually leaving the Duchy of Tuban.Rasawulan goddess who was very fond of his brother feel sorry for, unbeknownst to her father and her mother left the palace to seek the Duchy Tuban Raden Said to be invited back. The father and mother desperate to know this. Soon dozens of soldiers were ordered to seek Goddess Rasawulan Tuban was never found by them.In the Land of Java, told the Chronicle that the Goddess Rasawulan finally been discovered by Professor Supa, Hero Majapahit became a disciple of Sunan Kalijaga. Goddess Rasawulan then paired with a master Supa. And back to Tuban delivered together with the Sunan Kalijaga Raden Said none other than himself.2. Penggemblengan THE SELF.Where Raden Said after expelled from the Duchy of Tuban? Apparently he wandered aimlessly for sure. Eventually he settled in the woods Jatiwangi. For many years he was a robber dear. Why is it called robber dear?Because the results rampokannya never eaten. As before, always given to the poor. Were robbed just ...
Sunan Kali Jaga
Already many people know that Sunan Kalijaga was originally named Raden Said. Son of the Duke of Tuban Wilatikta Hero. Hero Wilatikta often called Raden Sahur, even though he was among the descendants of Hindu Ranggalawe but Raden Sahur itself is a religion that believes Islam.Since childhood Raden Said was introduced to Islam by the religious teachers Tuban.Tetapi Duchy of seeing environmental circumstances or contradiction with the spirit of life of ordinary people Raden Said revolt. Raden said the surge of young people as explosive whensee the practice of unscrupulous officials at Tuban Duchy taxes on people or the masses.People who at that time was already suffering due to the drought, the more miserable, they have to pay taxes that are sometimes not in accordance with existing regulations. Even away from their abilities. Often their ration supplies to face the next harvest season has seized the tax collector. Raden Said knows it never asked the question a lump in her heart. One day he was facing his father."Rama Duke, this year people are more miserable for many crops failed," said Raden Said. "Why do they still have to shoulder the tax burden by strangling them. Is Rama conscience not to feel sorry for their suffering? "Duke Wilatikta glared towards his son. A moment later he let out a deep breath and then make a sound, "Said my son ..... Majapahit central government currently in need huge funds to carry out the wheels of government. I am only a subordinate of the King, what my powers rejected tasks assigned to me. Not only are required to pay the Duchy Tuban tribute more than years ago. Duchy of others also got similar tasks. ""But ...... why should the people who are victims." Replied Raden Said. But Raden Said did not continue his speech. He saw his father's face when it turned into a bright red sign of her being offended or angry. For the first time Raden Said made his father angry. Things for hiduptak ever done.Raden Said know myself. He grumbled as he ducked and resigned from the presence of his father who was angry.Yes, Raden Said no need to continue the inquiry. Because he was able to answer it. Majapahit was in need of major funding for the country often face the chaos, both insurgency and civil war.Although the son of a nobleman Raden Said he prefers free life, which is not bound by the mores of the nobility. He likes to hang out with the commoners or with all levels of society, from the bottom to the top. Precisely because the sociable interaction that he knows many people's lives selukbeluk Tuban. Intention to reduce the suffering of the people have been conveyed to his father. But it seems his father could not do much. He's pretty well understood his father's position as a subordinate duke Majapahit. But the intention was never extinguished.If the previous nights he often was in his room while echoing verses of the Qur'an, now he's out of the house.At the warehouse keeper Duchy asleep, Raden Said took some crops drawn from folk to be deposited to the Majapahit. Materials meals are distributed to the people who really need it.Of course, the people who did not know anything was a surprise and delight receive sustenance unexpectedly. Although they never knew who it was that gave it sustenance, Raden Said why do it at night in secret.Not only people who seemed surprised at the good fortune that fell from the sky. Duchy warehouse keeper also feel shocked, her nervous, because more goods today who want to be paid to the center of the Majapahit kingdom was decreasing.He wanted to know who the thief produce goods in the warehouse. One night he accidentally stumbled peek from a distance, from behind a house, not far from the barn Duchy.It was true, someone opened the door of the shed, almost unblinking attention to the warehouse keeper, thief itu.Dia hardly believe it, the thief was Raden Said, son of lord himself.To report himself to the Duke of Wilatikta she did not dare. Worried considered making slanderous. Then the warehouse keeper was only asked two witnesses from the Duke to catch a thief who took people's crops stored in the warehouse.Raden Said never expected that his actions that night would be caught.When he was about to get out of the barn, carrying groceries, three prajurid Duchy arrest and any evidence he was carrying. Said Raden taken presented to his father."It's embarrassing to account for it!" Snapped Duke Wilatikta. "Less than if I was, I do not guarantee the true life in the court of the Duchy of this?Did I ever forbade him to eat as full-kenyangnya in this castle?Or I never gave you clothing? Why did you do that tecela deed? "Raden Said no sound. Let, whispered her heart. ...
Already many people know that Sunan Kalijaga was originally named Raden Said. Son of the Duke of Tuban Wilatikta Hero. Hero Wilatikta often called Raden Sahur, even though he was among the descendants of Hindu Ranggalawe but Raden Sahur itself is a religion that believes Islam.Since childhood Raden Said was introduced to Islam by the religious teachers Tuban.Tetapi Duchy of seeing environmental circumstances or contradiction with the spirit of life of ordinary people Raden Said revolt. Raden said the surge of young people as explosive whensee the practice of unscrupulous officials at Tuban Duchy taxes on people or the masses.People who at that time was already suffering due to the drought, the more miserable, they have to pay taxes that are sometimes not in accordance with existing regulations. Even away from their abilities. Often their ration supplies to face the next harvest season has seized the tax collector. Raden Said knows it never asked the question a lump in her heart. One day he was facing his father."Rama Duke, this year people are more miserable for many crops failed," said Raden Said. "Why do they still have to shoulder the tax burden by strangling them. Is Rama conscience not to feel sorry for their suffering? "Duke Wilatikta glared towards his son. A moment later he let out a deep breath and then make a sound, "Said my son ..... Majapahit central government currently in need huge funds to carry out the wheels of government. I am only a subordinate of the King, what my powers rejected tasks assigned to me. Not only are required to pay the Duchy Tuban tribute more than years ago. Duchy of others also got similar tasks. ""But ...... why should the people who are victims." Replied Raden Said. But Raden Said did not continue his speech. He saw his father's face when it turned into a bright red sign of her being offended or angry. For the first time Raden Said made his father angry. Things for hiduptak ever done.Raden Said know myself. He grumbled as he ducked and resigned from the presence of his father who was angry.Yes, Raden Said no need to continue the inquiry. Because he was able to answer it. Majapahit was in need of major funding for the country often face the chaos, both insurgency and civil war.Although the son of a nobleman Raden Said he prefers free life, which is not bound by the mores of the nobility. He likes to hang out with the commoners or with all levels of society, from the bottom to the top. Precisely because the sociable interaction that he knows many people's lives selukbeluk Tuban. Intention to reduce the suffering of the people have been conveyed to his father. But it seems his father could not do much. He's pretty well understood his father's position as a subordinate duke Majapahit. But the intention was never extinguished.If the previous nights he often was in his room while echoing verses of the Qur'an, now he's out of the house.At the warehouse keeper Duchy asleep, Raden Said took some crops drawn from folk to be deposited to the Majapahit. Materials meals are distributed to the people who really need it.Of course, the people who did not know anything was a surprise and delight receive sustenance unexpectedly. Although they never knew who it was that gave it sustenance, Raden Said why do it at night in secret.Not only people who seemed surprised at the good fortune that fell from the sky. Duchy warehouse keeper also feel shocked, her nervous, because more goods today who want to be paid to the center of the Majapahit kingdom was decreasing.He wanted to know who the thief produce goods in the warehouse. One night he accidentally stumbled peek from a distance, from behind a house, not far from the barn Duchy.It was true, someone opened the door of the shed, almost unblinking attention to the warehouse keeper, thief itu.Dia hardly believe it, the thief was Raden Said, son of lord himself.To report himself to the Duke of Wilatikta she did not dare. Worried considered making slanderous. Then the warehouse keeper was only asked two witnesses from the Duke to catch a thief who took people's crops stored in the warehouse.Raden Said never expected that his actions that night would be caught.When he was about to get out of the barn, carrying groceries, three prajurid Duchy arrest and any evidence he was carrying. Said Raden taken presented to his father."It's embarrassing to account for it!" Snapped Duke Wilatikta. "Less than if I was, I do not guarantee the true life in the court of the Duchy of this?Did I ever forbade him to eat as full-kenyangnya in this castle?Or I never gave you clothing? Why did you do that tecela deed? "Raden Said no sound. Let, whispered her heart. ...
1. Exercise. Research shows that exercise is more effective in preventing and treating depression than drugs.
2. Express your love. Give and receive love makes our life happy. Pour out love to the family, relatives and others is key to spiritual happiness. Helping others makes our lives more meaningful and our presence is expected.
3. Reduce Watching Television, Film and Video / Online Games. Watching TV, movies or playing games excessively can affect our mental health. Violence in the news shows, action movies, and games can reduce emotional balance, depressing and affects our emotional response. After seeing so much violence, we can no longer recognize it as violence. Flashes television advertising also can cause sensory overload and our brains and fatigue.
Many movies are entertaining, but there is also evoke negative emotions for some people. For people who are sensitive or have had some sort of trauma in their lives, reducing the time and intensity of emotions watching that triggers will help maintain mental balance.
Focus on the positive things. Try reading the news, rather than watch television news. Read more gentle effect on your mind and we can be more selective. Try to avoid violent or sensational impressions, choose only the television programs and movies are positive.
4. Appreciate and make art. Enjoy painting, photography, art, music, dance and other art forms can be a natural and beneficial mood stabilizers refresh the mind. Produce works of art that can be enjoyed by people also helps a person to build self-esteem, something that is important for mental health.
Try listening to soft music. Many frenetic music that actually can lead to mental overload. In addition, many types of music can bring feelings of depression or hollow. The music is soft and sweet to balance the chemistry in our brains.
5. Worship. Practicing and prayed regularly meets our spiritual needs, which is a vital component in the welfare of the soul. Ignoring the spiritual needs of the soul makes us restless and unsettled. Prayer is an effective means of preventing and combating mental health problems.
6. Outdoor recreation. Try to stay away from the routine of spending time in nature. "Green therapy" can be one effective way to find inner peace and calm our minds, find enlightenment and free from negative thoughts.
7. Avoid isolating yourself. Being part of a community that provides support and meet regularly can greatly help us through the crisis and remain positive.
8. Maintaining a balance diet. Diet can worsen the symptoms of various diseases including autism, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Food needed for good mental health is fruit and vegetables and foods containing essential fatty acids, such as fish belida, cob, squash and beans. Milk and chocolate are also believed to calming the mind.
9. Avoid pornography. Sexual stimulation may contribute to the growth of pornography emotional void that can lead to depression, bipolar disorder and other mental health. Just a sexual relationship with a partner who mengasihilah mutual legitimate and which can fill our physical and emotional needs.
10. Perform activities that build self-confidence. Learning to play a musical instrument like the piano or violin, master martial arts skills, get a prize competitions, etc. are helping children build self-confidence.
If you have family members who have mental health problems, it is important to always keep a positive attitude and do not give up. Do not berate or mock were made to feel inferior and perpetuate feelings of self-loathing. This is also true for those with eating disorder tendencies. Show love and understanding to them.
11. Keep your mind active by reading constantly. Reading can be a mental strengthening activities, especially if we focus on the positive reading. Subscribe to a magazine or buy some books that educate biography beneficial to your mental health.
12. Be more organized private. Avoid procrastinate, and clean and Arrange your possessions. Get rid of clutter. Discard items unused, complete or delegate jobs hang, and if necessary, ask for help from others to complete your homework.
2. Express your love. Give and receive love makes our life happy. Pour out love to the family, relatives and others is key to spiritual happiness. Helping others makes our lives more meaningful and our presence is expected.
3. Reduce Watching Television, Film and Video / Online Games. Watching TV, movies or playing games excessively can affect our mental health. Violence in the news shows, action movies, and games can reduce emotional balance, depressing and affects our emotional response. After seeing so much violence, we can no longer recognize it as violence. Flashes television advertising also can cause sensory overload and our brains and fatigue.
Many movies are entertaining, but there is also evoke negative emotions for some people. For people who are sensitive or have had some sort of trauma in their lives, reducing the time and intensity of emotions watching that triggers will help maintain mental balance.
Focus on the positive things. Try reading the news, rather than watch television news. Read more gentle effect on your mind and we can be more selective. Try to avoid violent or sensational impressions, choose only the television programs and movies are positive.
4. Appreciate and make art. Enjoy painting, photography, art, music, dance and other art forms can be a natural and beneficial mood stabilizers refresh the mind. Produce works of art that can be enjoyed by people also helps a person to build self-esteem, something that is important for mental health.
Try listening to soft music. Many frenetic music that actually can lead to mental overload. In addition, many types of music can bring feelings of depression or hollow. The music is soft and sweet to balance the chemistry in our brains.
5. Worship. Practicing and prayed regularly meets our spiritual needs, which is a vital component in the welfare of the soul. Ignoring the spiritual needs of the soul makes us restless and unsettled. Prayer is an effective means of preventing and combating mental health problems.
6. Outdoor recreation. Try to stay away from the routine of spending time in nature. "Green therapy" can be one effective way to find inner peace and calm our minds, find enlightenment and free from negative thoughts.
7. Avoid isolating yourself. Being part of a community that provides support and meet regularly can greatly help us through the crisis and remain positive.
8. Maintaining a balance diet. Diet can worsen the symptoms of various diseases including autism, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Food needed for good mental health is fruit and vegetables and foods containing essential fatty acids, such as fish belida, cob, squash and beans. Milk and chocolate are also believed to calming the mind.
9. Avoid pornography. Sexual stimulation may contribute to the growth of pornography emotional void that can lead to depression, bipolar disorder and other mental health. Just a sexual relationship with a partner who mengasihilah mutual legitimate and which can fill our physical and emotional needs.
10. Perform activities that build self-confidence. Learning to play a musical instrument like the piano or violin, master martial arts skills, get a prize competitions, etc. are helping children build self-confidence.
If you have family members who have mental health problems, it is important to always keep a positive attitude and do not give up. Do not berate or mock were made to feel inferior and perpetuate feelings of self-loathing. This is also true for those with eating disorder tendencies. Show love and understanding to them.
11. Keep your mind active by reading constantly. Reading can be a mental strengthening activities, especially if we focus on the positive reading. Subscribe to a magazine or buy some books that educate biography beneficial to your mental health.
12. Be more organized private. Avoid procrastinate, and clean and Arrange your possessions. Get rid of clutter. Discard items unused, complete or delegate jobs hang, and if necessary, ask for help from others to complete your homework.
Leukemia (blood cancer) is a malignancy that occurs in blood cells. The term leukemia include malignancies that occur in white blood cells, red blood cells (erythroleukemia) or the other elements in the blood or spinal marrow.
Malignancy begins when the growth of blood cells (white) are abnormal (blast cells or young cells) which in time, they may push the white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets are normal. It makes heavy blood to do its work.
To understand leukemia, we need to understand how the process of the formation of blood cells are normal.
Normal Blood Cells
Most blood cells develop from cells in the bone marrow called stem cells.
Stem cells mature into different types of blood cells. Each of these cells has a specific job:
* White blood cells (leukocytes): protect against infection. There are several types of white blood cells
* Red blood cells: function to bring oxygen to tissues throughout the body.
* Platelets (platelet): function to freeze the blood
White blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets are made from stem cells the body needs them. When blood cells get old / damaged, they die, and new cells are replaced.
The picture below shows how stem cells can grow into different types of white blood cells. First, the stem cells mature into either myeloid stem cell or a lymphoid stem cell:
A myeloid stem cells mature into myeloid blast. The blast can form a red blood cell, platelet, or one of several types of white blood cells.
* A lymphoid stem cells mature into lymphoid blast. The blast can form one of several types of white blood cells, such as B cells or T cells* White blood cells are formed from distinct myeloid blast of white blood cells that form from lymphoid blast.
Most blood cells mature in the bone marrow and then move into the blood vessels. Blood flowing through blood vessels and heart is called the peripheral blood.
Leukemia cells
In people with leukemia, the bone marrow makes abnormal white blood cells. Unlike normal blood cells, leukemia cells do not die when they should. They may fill the white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets normal. This makes it hard for normal blood cells to do their job.
Like all blood cells, leukemia cells travel through the body. Symptoms of leukemia depend on the number of leukemia cells and where these cells accumulate in the body.
People with chronic leukemia may not have symptoms. People with acute leukemia usually go to their doctor because they feel sick. If the brain is affected, they may have headaches, vomiting, confusion, loss of muscle control, or seizures. Leukemia also can affect other parts of the body such as the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs, heart, or testes.
Common symptoms of chronic or acute leukemia may include:
* Swollen lymph nodes (in the neck or armpit), which usually does not hurt
* Fever or night sweats
* Frequent infections
* Feeling weak or tired
* Bleeding and bruising easily (bleeding gums, purplish patches in the skin, or tiny red spots under the skin)
* Swelling or discomfort in the abdomen (for liver / pancreas swelling)
* Drastic weight loss without apparent cause
* Pain in the bones or joints
If you find these symptoms, be sure to consult your doctor immediately to be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.
Doctors sometimes find leukemia in routine blood tests. If you have symptoms that lead to leukemia, your doctor will try to determine the cause and ask about your family's medical history.
You may undergo one or more of the following tests:
* Physical Examination: The doctor will check for swelling of the lymph nodes, spleen, or liver.
* Blood tests: The lab does a complete blood count to check the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Leukemia causes white blood cell count was very high. Also often found low levels of platelets and hemoglobin in red blood cells.
* Biopsy: A biopsy is the only sure way to know whether leukemia cells are in your bone marrow. This requires a local anesthetic to help ease the pain. The doctor will take some bone marrow from the hipbone or another large bone. There are two common ways:
* Bone marrow aspiration: use a thick hollow needle, bone marrow was collected
* Bone marrow biopsy: use a very thick hollow needle to remove a small piece of bone and bone marrow.
Other Examination
Cytogenetics: The lab will examine the chromosomes of the cell samples of blood, bone marrow, or lymph nodes. If abnormal chromosomes are found, the test can indicate the type of leukemia you have. For example, people with CML have an abnormal chromosome called the Philadelphia chromosome.
Spinal Tap: Your doctor can take a couple of cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that fills the spaces in and around the brain and spinal cord). The doctor uses a long, thin needle to remove fluid from the lower spine. This procedure takes about 30 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. You must lie flat for several hours afterward to keep from getting a headache. The lab checks the fluid to examine the leukemia cells or other signs of trouble.
Chest X-ray: X-ray can show swollen lymph nodes or other signs of disease in your chest
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