
A. understanding Ecosystem
An ecosystem is a system formed by ecological interrelationships between living things with their environment. Ecosystems can be said also of a unified structure completely and thoroughly between all the environmental elements that affect each other.

B.Satuan Living Things in Ecosystems

a. individual
The individual is a living thing, such as an ant, a bird and a tree.

b. population
The population is a collection of conspecifics can multiply and be at the same place and in the same time period. Examples of population is a group of ants on the table.

c. community
Community is a collection of several kinds of populations that occupy the same area at the same time, for example community teak forests, grasslands and pine forests.

d. ecosystem
Ecosystem is the unity of the community and environment that form a reciprocal relationship between the components. The components of an ecosystem includes all living and non-living beings within it.
e. biomes
Terrestrial biome is an ecosystem unique and wide-ranging

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