قال اللّه تعالى : وماأمرواالاّليعبدوااللّه مخلصين له الدّين حنفاءويقيمواالصّلاةويؤتواالزّكوةوذلك دين القيّمة٠

God Ta' ala decrees: "Eventually they don't be enjoined but curtsey God by purify obedience to her deep (carry on) religion is with straight, so they institute salat and accomplishes tithe; and such one that is religion which straight."
 (Al Bayyinah: 5 )

وقال تعالى : لن ينال اللّه لحومهاولادماؤهاولكن يناله التّقوى منكم٠

God Ta' ala decrees: "Camel and blood flesh its that on and off can't reach (keridhaan) God, but your fear which can reach it."
 (Al Hajj: 37)

وقال تعالى : قل إن تخفوامافى صدوركم اوتبدوه يعلمه اللّه٠

God Ta' ala decrees: "Say, If you hide what aught at heart you or you show it, must God know it."
 (Ali Imron: 29)

وعن أميرالمؤمنين أبى حفص عمربن الخطّاب ببن نفيل بن عبدالعزّى بن رياح ابن عبداللّه بن قرط بن رزاح بن عدى ّبن كعب بن لؤى ّبن غالب القرشى ّالعدوى ّرضى اللّه عنه قال : سمعت رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه وسلّم يقول : انّماالاعمال بالنّيّات وانّمالكلّ امرءمانوى فمن كانت هجرته إلى اللّه ورسوله فهجرته إلى اللّه ورسوله ، ومن كانت هجرته لدنيايصيبهاأوامرأةينكحهافهجرته إلى ماهجراليه٠متفق على صحّته

From Amiril Believer Hafsh Umar Bin Khathab Bin Nufail Bin Abdul Uzza Bin Riyah Bin Abdullah Bin Qurth Bin Razah Bin Adiy Bin Ka's Ash' ab bin Lu' ay bin Ghalib Al Qurasyiy Al Adawiy ra., it says: I hear Rasulullah Saw. state: "Each charitable espoused by intention. Each someone charitable depends with what does diniatkannya. In consequence, who just that its hejira (from Makkah goes to Madinah) since Allah and its Apostle (doing hejira after glamourizes and perform Allah and courier instruction it), therefore its hejira is wended to God and its Apostle (accepted and diridhai God). But who just that do hejira for the benefit the world which will be gotten it, or since female who will be taken in marriage its therefore hejira it one bounds to something that becomes its aim (tidakditerima by God)."
 (HR. Bukhari and Moslem)

وعن أمّ المؤمنين أمّ عبداللّه عاءشة رضى اللّه عنهاقالت : قال رسول اللّه : يغزوجيش الكعبةفاذاكانواببيداءمن الارض يخسف بأوّلهم وآخرهم قالت قلت يارسول اللّه كيف يخسف باوّلهم وآخرهم وفيهم أسواقهم ومن لس منهم ؟ قال : يخسف باوّلهم وآخرهم ثمّ يبعثون على نيّاتهم٠متفق عليه ، هذالفظ البخارى

From Ummul in Ummu Abdillah Aisyah ra.'s Believer, it says: Rasulullah saw. state: "There is a group team who will attack Ka' deluge, but while they come unto terrain, therefore they are devastated from face until hind one. Aisyah asks: "Wahai Rasulullah, how is they are blighted of front until hind one, eventually between they there is person which shopping and there is too person that don't of their faction?" Beliau answers: "They are devastated from front until one most recently, then they will be aroused according to intention their it."
 (HR. Bukhari and Moslem)

وعن عاءشة رضى اللّه عنهاقالت : قال النّبى ّصلى اللّه عليه وسلّم : لاهجرةبعدالفتح ولكن جهادونيّة واذااستنفرتمفانفروا (متفق عليه) ٠

From Aisyah Ra., it says: "No hejira again afters be opened Makkah's city, but aught is jihad (fight was cleared a root By God) and intention for do ever have done good. Therefore, if you are called for fight, therefore departs!"
 (HR. Bukhari and Moslem)

وعن ابى عبداللّه جابربن عبداللّه الانصارى ّرضى اللّه عنهماقال : كنّامع النّبى ّفى غزاةفقال إنّ بالمدينةلرجالاماسرتم مسيراولاقطعتم وادياالاّكانوامعكم حبسهم المرض ، وفى روايةالاّشركوكم فى الأجر(رواه مسلم)٠

Of Abdillah Jabir Bin Abdillah Al Anshariy Ra.'s Ash, it says: "We with saw's Prophet. in one of war, then beliau states: "Most verily at Madinah there is some bodies, if you sail through trip or cross valley, they everlastingly follow, meanwhile one blocks them only pain." In one of said history, Rasulullah states: "But they do ever espouse you in look for reward."
 (HR. Bukhari and Moslem)

وعن انس رضى اللّه عنه قال : رجعنامن غزوةتبوك مع النّبى ّصلّى اللّه عليه وسلّم انّ اقواماخلفنابالمدينةماسلكناشعباولاوادياالاّوهم معناحبسهم العدر (رواه البخارى )٠

From Anas Ra., it says: "We in company with Prophet saw. return from Tabuk's war, then beliau words: "Most verily extant many clans or persons that our leave at Madinah, they everlastingly espouse us, well one time goes in and out bucolic and also one time cross valley, one that blocks they just infirm."
 (HR. Bukhari)

وعن أبى يزيدمعن بن يزيدبن الأخنس رضى اللّه عنهم وهووأبوه وجدّه صحابيّون قال : كان أبى يزيداخرج دنانيريتصدّق بهافوضعهاعندرجل فى المسجدفجءت فأخذتهافأتيته بهافقال واللّه ماإيّاك أردت فخاصمته إلى رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه وسلّم فقال لك مانويت يايزيدولك ماأخذت يامعن (رواه البخارى )٠

Of Yazid Ma' s Ash' an bin Yazid bin Al Akhnas ra. it says: "Tazid' s father ordinary issues many diners for , and entrusted with someone at mosque to divide it. I. Then go to mosque to ask for that diner, and pointing out to my father, then my father says: "To God, i. that diner not provide for you." I. That scene then pass on to Rasulullah Saw., therefore beliau states: "divide you what do you niatkan hi Yazid, and divides you what do you take hi Ma' an. 
 (HR. Bukhari)

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