Browsing yielding reporting

Browsing yielding reporting

     Upon begins exploration, with my classmate,I find time meliat two cows be plays by lupur what do so odor,but entah why,seems to be that cow is nuts over lupur that odor is not its delicious. 

    After gets in entranceway ahead from SMK NEGRI ONE PINRANG, I see at my left,one sawah that extensive and beautiful,and rill at my left,that time the ways that we passes to be still appears lovely and flawless,after walks nearly vicinity two meters,we all come round us,towards left,and we all find time to pass one bridge which little.
    Suddenly umpteen of my friend,singga sits on that bridge grapple,may karna they over kecapean,they sepat rebuked by our counsellor teacher,but benefits,my karna don't ikt ikutan with them,hereafter we keep on our trip,until gets in we at the ways that swampy and gross effect swift rain that mengguyur the ways that,but it all doesn't block our to melananjutkan our trip.
    Air in here balmy enough,karna here very rare at passes by wheeler good vehicle two,and also meroda's vehicle four,herein I still to get see paleteang's mountain of too far,herein even a lot of earth that at tumbuhi by beginning wild plant dilates,progressively we walk to go away,progressively we betemu by way of that more swampy of previous,nearly of all my friend open their shoe, karna fears their shoe will mess and on the blink,but I don't open my shoe,because my shoe bates,by the same token if shoed mess,cannikin I can wash as arriving as I at following school.
   I sepat bethinks if at this place will at build one building,since I see a number bebatuam locks-up and severally amassed sand,herein I also see a number farm that at cultivate corn plant,cassava, and a variety another plant kind and a number building employ that working one building which will shortly be dwelt by its owner,seems to be that employ surprise,maybe since to amount to school children that passes by is in front they.
    Since the ways it over its gross so pass bebatuan's bank locks-up that at places at that roadside,karna bebatuan is ultrasmooth,so I and one of my classmate,mutually helps menolon to peak from that stone bank,I also find time see a number motor and sand car transporter,in a flash terfikir by me, if over there apparently there are many that wants to make building,apparently,besides rain which make the ways over there looked mess,apparently vehicle which pass that road makes the ways that gets visually swampy and gross,effect vehicle –kendaraan it also,the ways it also punctured,so makes that hole is filled by rainwater.

  After we walk far enough,we find road crossroad,so we all that lie are in front my included binging,since we doesn't know the ways which that has we takings,tetepi then counsellor teacher pack we gets extreme while say we that beluk shall to left,finally we even drawn out our trip,and I even see a number plant have already at burn until scorch until as charcoal,herein I also see sejulah grove already old and big one descries it so menyeramkan and I also see kebunm garden that at o with every consideration by society around this place.
   Over and above its left,I can see dn's school three number sapiyang is eating hungrily it at soiled grasses wooded ones which long.
    I and my friend garden see to amount to cow,and two another cows be appear each other contending with mutually utilize their hard head and a that cow wanderer tries to come to pieces sapiu that,and seems to be that man tamoak exhaustion manages that cow that doesn't want stops for contending,until my friends every thing until fear and scream.
    Since that cow is contending i. tepatd golden mean which we will pass through,so enforced we all pass the ways which wooded a number ysng besr's bamboo tree outgrows.
    Herein I also see earth that kosaong that just gets I see am botanical already be a-fire scorch.
I find time am at a loss,karna no bridge for my cross to next door there,since in here available rill,my adi and my friend look for bridge who we can pass,and even our eventual find bridge who we can pass.
    I also see one poultry,but I don't see to mark sense chicken over there,but it doesn't become about problem since our trip a long way off.
   Now gets in we at beginning place looked a lot of house and disinin the ways it was seen lovely,since formerly we pass the ways which only at coat by earth, now at coats by asphalt,visually that severally comate I was beginning use their shoe back.
    Herein was progressively hot,since the sun was progressively tinggi.sekarang we are at perumaha that at gives BTN TASSOKO'S name ’ e,and in here I also see mutually house berdempetan and I find time to see kadir's packs be sits in its house terraces.
     After goes away we walking,finally we are present lie entranceway ahead of our school,and many of my friend,singga to buy potion for undone sensed its thirsty,but I and my another friend meneju goes to to braze and available even that make towards canteen to buy one me indended drinking water.

By : Fitriani

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