Text Burned - Fire Burning Text Effect

Publish: December 26, 2008 | Author & Copyright: Arofat | Status: FREE tutorial

This time we will create a text LEARN fire. Jump ae .. follow the steps below

Photohop tutorials are archived in the category ilmugrafis Text Effect

1 Create a new document 800 x 600 Pixels

2. Birikan Background color black, then make up the text as shown

3. Then restireze text by right-clicking on the text layer and select restireze, see the picture:

4. Then give the effect of wind (Click Menu Filter> stylis> Wind)
set the appropriate image: then repeat the effect of wind or can simply press Ctrl + F 2x (to repeat last effect used)

5. Give the effect of wind again (repeat step no 4) the difference in setting direction (from the right and from the lift).

The result is something like this:

6. Ok now we turn 90 cw (click edit> transfrom> rotate 90 degrees cw) like this:

7. Well now we wind effect you again (repeat steps 4 and 5). The result:

8. we rotate back to return kesemula ie (Click Edit> transfrom> Rotate 90 degrees CCW)

9. Now only give deh fire, prepare the match ya hehe ...
before we change the color mode to Grayscale (click image> mode> grayscale), then we change it to indexed color (click image> mode> indexed color),

10. Finally we ignite the fire deh a color table (Click Image> Mode> Color Table), and adjust according to the pictures:

The yoga Finally:
Teks Api

Photohop tutorials are archived in the category ilmugrafis Text Effect

thank you

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