Ms Basics. Word 2007
1. Know the Work Area Word 2007
Areas of work on word 2007 application different from the work area in Word 2003 and earlier application. In word 2007 application work area is divided into 6 sections, namely:
1. Office Button is a substitute for the regular File menu found on the application word 2003. In it contains the commands New, Open, Save, Save As, Print, Prepare, Send, Publish, Close, Word Options, and Exit Word.2. Quick Access Toolbar is customizeable toolbar that contains essential commands such as Save, Undo, Redo, and so on. How to add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar is to press the Customize Quick Access Toolbar at the right end of the toolbar and on the list of options select the command to be added.3. Ribbon is a replacement for the menu bar and toolbars are often found in Word 2003. Ribbon Tab in Word 2007 form that contains multiple Group which there are Command Button.4. Page is a single page or a place to type the text and put the image as a complementary document5. View Shortcuts is a new feature in Word 2007 that allows you to convert page views into Print Layout, Full Screen, Reading, Web Layout, and Draft.
6. Zoom Slider is useful to zoom in and out ukutan page views (page) techniques.
2. Determining the Size Margin
By default word 2007 has set some margin sizes that are ready for use at any time, ie: Normal, Narrow, Moderate, Wide, Mirrored, and Office 2003 default. The following are the steps to determine the size of the margin:
1. Make sure the Page Layout tab is active.2. Press the margin, then select the desired type of margin.
In addition to using the existing margin size, we can also determine the size of the margin itself. The trick is:
1. Before we change margain accordance with what we want, it helps us to change the unit of measurement margin prior to millimeters. The trick is to press the Office Button, then Word Options button. In the left column select Advanced and then drag the scrollbar down to display the Display settings. At the Show measurements in units of millimeters select the unit of measure. Then select OK.2. On the Page Layout tab button and then select Custom Margins Margins, it will show the Page Setup dialog box.3. Enter Top margin size for the top, bottom to bottom, Left to the left, Right to the right. Suppose each margin of 25mm.4. Press the OK button.
1. Using Special Style
Particular style found in word 2007 is basically the same as found in Word 2003, which consists of: strikethrough to make a line in the middle of the text, Superscript or Subscript to make the text size becomes smaller with position above or below the text baseline, Change Case for change the highlighted text format to lowercase or uppercase.Here is how to use some specific styles that have been mentioned above:
1. Hold down the Ctrl key and then select one of the words in the sentence. The result is the entire text of the sentence is highlighted2. Press Ctrl + Shift + + or press the button on the group superscript font. The result is a smaller text size to a position above the baseline.3. Press Ctrl + = or press the button on the group subscript font. The result is a smaller text size dbawah baseline position.4. Highlight a phrase and then press the button on the group strikethrough font. The results appear in the text of the midline.5. Highlight a phrase and then press the Change Case to display a list of case. There are five different forms of case in change case, namely: lowercase to change the format of the text to all lowercase, uppercase to change the format of the text to uppercase all, Capitalize Each Word to change the initial character of each word to uppercase, Toggle Case for change characters beginning of each word to lowercase and the rest of the other words to uppercase, Sentence Case in order to text using standard format where the characters start with a capital letter and ends with a dot.
2. Set the Line Spacing
Line Spacing allows you to adjust the spacing between lines of text. By default word 2007 using space f.fh for paragraph text. But we can set it back if needed with a space that is more tenuous or tighter depending on the needs of the document being worked on. To be able to set the line spacing we can perform the following steps:
1. Make sure the text cursor is inside a text paragraph.2. Press the Line Spacing in paragraph group.3. Select the desired line spacing.
3. Set Alignment
Alignment is useful to align text paragraphs. By default word 2007 using the Align Text Left to set the paragraph text to be left justified. Three other types of alignment is Center for centered, Align Text Rigth to the right flat, and Justify to the left and right. To be able to use all three types of alignment that has been mentioned before, we can do the following:
1. Highlight a paragraph and then hit Ctrl-E or press the Center on paragraph group. The result will be centered paragraph.2. Highlight a paragraph and press Ctrl-R or press the Align To Right the paragraph group. The result will be a paragraph right.3. Highlight a paragraph and press Ctrl-J or press Justify the paragraph group. The result will be left justified paragraphs and right.
1. Bullets and Numbering
Bullet useful to make paragraphs grained, whereas Numbering to create numbered paragraphs. Here is how to create grained and numbered paragraphs:
1. Highlight the text or paragraph.2. Press the Numbering.3. Select the desired type of Numbering eg numeric, then the paragraph or the highlighted text will be numbered.4. To change the position numbering, press the Line Spacing Line Spacing and select Options and then change the value of the Left indent as expected.
2. Header and Footer
Header is used to make the header text which is located at the top of the document. Header usually contains the document title or chapter, while Footer used to make footer text documents are located at the bottom, and usually contains a page number or subtitle document. Steps to make the header and footer are as follows:
1. Press the button located on the Header & Footer Header gurp.2. Drag the scrollbar down and select Pinstripes.3. On the Type the document title typing the title of the document being worked on4. Once completed in the Design tab and select Footer button Pinstripes.
5. In the Type section subtitled text typed document that is being done.6. Press the Close button to exit the Header and Footer from the Header & Footer.
3. Multilevel List
Multilevel list useful for creating multilevel paragraph that has many subtitle. Here's how to create a multilevel paragraph:
1. Prepare a new document.2. Press tomnol Multilevel List in the paragraph group.3. Select the type of multilevel lists that both the library list.4. Type the text paragraphs to the first level.5. Place the cursor at the end of the first text and press enter.6. Press the tab key once to change the paragraph level.7. Type the text paragraph to the second level.8. Repeat steps 5,6,7 until sublevel required.
1. Picture
Picture is a command to import the image file into the document. Word 2007 supports many image file formats such as WMF, BMP, JPG, and PNG. Here are the steps to be able to import an image into the document:
1. Place the cursor over the first paragraph.2. Select the Insert tab.3. In the illustrations group press the Picture.4. Once the insert picture dialog box appears, select an image to be included into the document.5. Press the Insert button.
6. Select the handle is located on the corner of each image to resize the image.
2. ClipArt
ClipArt useful to take a picture, movie, or sound that has been provided by Office 2007. Here are the steps to add ClipArt the document:
1. Select the Insert tab.2. In the Illustrations group ClipArt button.3. Select a picture, movie, or sound to be added to the document.4. Drag the image into the document.5. Adjust the image size by dragging the resize handles are shown.
3. WordArt
WordArt is used to create artistic text. WordArt is usually used to create the document title. Word 2007 provides approximately 30 variations of the artistic text that can be easily accessed via the Text group on the Insert tab. Here are the steps to useWordArt:
1. Make a text, then highlight.2. Select the Insert tab.3. In gurp Text select the WordArt.4. After the Edit WordArt Text dialog box appears therein have written previously highlighted text.5. Select the type of WordArt to use, then press the OK button.
4. SmartArt
SmartArt is a new fsilitas in Word 2007 that allows you to create diagrams. With SmartArt we can convey information visually with a wide selection of charts that have been provided such as list, process, cycle, hierarchy, relationship, matrix, and pyramid. Here's how to add SmartArt into the document:
1. Select the tab insert.2. In the group select the SmartArt illustrations.3. Once the dialog box Choose a SmartArt Graphic appears select the type of chart you want to use, press the OK button.4. On the Type your text here to enter text list.5. Press the Close button to close the window.6. Select the diagram that has been used before, then in the SmartArt Styles group select White Outline.
5. Chart
Chart is useful to create a graph that illustrates the comparison data. Different types of charts that have been available in Word 2007 include column, line, pie, bar, area, etc.. Steps to add a chart into a document is:
1. Select the tab insert.2. In the illustrations group press the Chart.3. After the Insert Chart dialog box appears, select the type of chart you want to use and press OK.4. After appearing alongside windows word and excel, enter the data to be compared in the chart.5. Replace any text title as required.V. ADJUSTING THE PICTURE FORMAT
1. Brightness and Contrast
Brightness allows you to adjust the image to be dark or light, while Contrast is used to set the value of the contrast of a picture. Here are the steps to set the brightness and contrast in the image:
1. select the Insert tab, then press the Picture.2. select the image to be inserted into the document.3. after the image into a document, select the image then the Format tab will appear on the ribbon.4. the group adjust the Brightness button.5. determine the levels of light and dark images as desired.6. Next select the Adjust Contrast to the group.7. determine the level of contrast of the image as desired.
2. Change Picture
Change Picture used to replace an image that has a specific format. With this feature we can change the image format but still using the existing format in the previous image. Here are the steps to replace the image on the document:
1. select the image to be replaced, then the group adjust Picture Reset button to remove the existing format of the drawing.2. Picture Styles on the More button for more menampilak style images.3. select a style.4. make sure the Format tab is active.5. Adjust the group Change Picture button.
6. After the Insert Picture dialog box appears select the images to be used instead.7. Press the insert.
3. Shape and Picture Picture Border
Picture shape is used to implement the specific forms of the figure, while the picture is used to change the border color of the picture frame. Here are the steps to create a frame in the picture:
1. Select the images contained in the documents that will be framed.2. Activate the Format tab.3. In Group Picture styles press the picture shape.4. Select the desired frame shape.5. To change the color of the frame, press the Picture Border.6. Select the desired color.
1. Table
Table is used to create tables. Features table in word 2007 has been enhanced with the design and layout settings are more structured so that the process of creating tables easier and faster. Here's how to create a table:
1. Select the Insert tab.2. Press the Table button and drag to the required amount.3. Customize your table with the margin of the document.
4. Place the cursor at the bottom and the end of the right table, select the Layout tab on the Group Rows and colums Insert Right button to add a new column to the right one.5. In the same way in step 4, now press the Insert Below to add a new row at the bottom.
2. Mail Merge
Mail Merge is useful to make a complete set of documents with the same data such as your name and address on the letter was also used on the envelope or label. Here's how to use mail merge:
1. Make a note.2. Select the Mailings tab.3. In the Start Mail Merge group press the Select Recipients, and then select the Type New List.4. Seteleah New Address List dialog box appears enter a name in the First Name and address in the Address Line 1.
5. Press the New Entry to add a new data record, then enter the name and new address. Repeat this step to achieve the required number of letters.6. When finished press tombok OK.7. In the Save Address List dialog box File name section typing a file name to store the newly created address, then press the Save button.
8. Place the cursor on the letter head to add the name of the person who will be sent a letter.9. Press the Insert Merge Field button on the Write & Insert Fields group, then select the First Name field.10. Place the cursor at the mailing address will be sent.
11. Press the Insert Merge Field no Write & Insert Fields group, then select Address Line 1 field.12. In group results preview Preview Results button to display the name and address of the data that has been prepared on the field.13. To change the data press the Next Record on Preview Results group.14. To return to the previous data Previous Record button.
1. Protect Document
Protect Document is useful to protect the document from being edited by unauthorized parties. Here are the steps to protect the document:
1. In the active document.2. Select the Review tab.3. In the group Protect Protect Document button and then select Restrict Formatting and Editing.4. On the Editing restrictions enable the check box Allow only this type of editing in the document.5. On the Start enforcement press the Yes, strart Enforcing Protection.6. Make sure the option Password protection on, and then enter the code in the Enter new password (optional).7. In the Reenter password to confirm retype the code protection as confirmation.8. When finished press the OK button.
2. Encrypt Document
Encrypt Document used to protect the document from being opened by unauthorized parties. Here are the steps to encrypt a document:
1. In the current document, press the Office Button, select Prepare, select Encrypt Document.2. In the dialog box type the encrypted document protection code to open the document (unlock).3. Press OK, and then retype the code to unlock dukomen (unlock) the Reenter the password and select OK.4. Save the document and close it.5. Open the document, it will display a dialog box pass.
3. Printing a Document
To print a document using the Print command that can be accessed via the Office Button menu.

1. Know the Work Area Word 2007
Areas of work on word 2007 application different from the work area in Word 2003 and earlier application. In word 2007 application work area is divided into 6 sections, namely:
1. Office Button is a substitute for the regular File menu found on the application word 2003. In it contains the commands New, Open, Save, Save As, Print, Prepare, Send, Publish, Close, Word Options, and Exit Word.2. Quick Access Toolbar is customizeable toolbar that contains essential commands such as Save, Undo, Redo, and so on. How to add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar is to press the Customize Quick Access Toolbar at the right end of the toolbar and on the list of options select the command to be added.3. Ribbon is a replacement for the menu bar and toolbars are often found in Word 2003. Ribbon Tab in Word 2007 form that contains multiple Group which there are Command Button.4. Page is a single page or a place to type the text and put the image as a complementary document5. View Shortcuts is a new feature in Word 2007 that allows you to convert page views into Print Layout, Full Screen, Reading, Web Layout, and Draft.
6. Zoom Slider is useful to zoom in and out ukutan page views (page) techniques.
2. Determining the Size Margin
By default word 2007 has set some margin sizes that are ready for use at any time, ie: Normal, Narrow, Moderate, Wide, Mirrored, and Office 2003 default. The following are the steps to determine the size of the margin:
1. Make sure the Page Layout tab is active.2. Press the margin, then select the desired type of margin.
In addition to using the existing margin size, we can also determine the size of the margin itself. The trick is:
1. Before we change margain accordance with what we want, it helps us to change the unit of measurement margin prior to millimeters. The trick is to press the Office Button, then Word Options button. In the left column select Advanced and then drag the scrollbar down to display the Display settings. At the Show measurements in units of millimeters select the unit of measure. Then select OK.2. On the Page Layout tab button and then select Custom Margins Margins, it will show the Page Setup dialog box.3. Enter Top margin size for the top, bottom to bottom, Left to the left, Right to the right. Suppose each margin of 25mm.4. Press the OK button.
1. Using Special Style
Particular style found in word 2007 is basically the same as found in Word 2003, which consists of: strikethrough to make a line in the middle of the text, Superscript or Subscript to make the text size becomes smaller with position above or below the text baseline, Change Case for change the highlighted text format to lowercase or uppercase.Here is how to use some specific styles that have been mentioned above:
1. Hold down the Ctrl key and then select one of the words in the sentence. The result is the entire text of the sentence is highlighted2. Press Ctrl + Shift + + or press the button on the group superscript font. The result is a smaller text size to a position above the baseline.3. Press Ctrl + = or press the button on the group subscript font. The result is a smaller text size dbawah baseline position.4. Highlight a phrase and then press the button on the group strikethrough font. The results appear in the text of the midline.5. Highlight a phrase and then press the Change Case to display a list of case. There are five different forms of case in change case, namely: lowercase to change the format of the text to all lowercase, uppercase to change the format of the text to uppercase all, Capitalize Each Word to change the initial character of each word to uppercase, Toggle Case for change characters beginning of each word to lowercase and the rest of the other words to uppercase, Sentence Case in order to text using standard format where the characters start with a capital letter and ends with a dot.
2. Set the Line Spacing
Line Spacing allows you to adjust the spacing between lines of text. By default word 2007 using space f.fh for paragraph text. But we can set it back if needed with a space that is more tenuous or tighter depending on the needs of the document being worked on. To be able to set the line spacing we can perform the following steps:
1. Make sure the text cursor is inside a text paragraph.2. Press the Line Spacing in paragraph group.3. Select the desired line spacing.
3. Set Alignment
Alignment is useful to align text paragraphs. By default word 2007 using the Align Text Left to set the paragraph text to be left justified. Three other types of alignment is Center for centered, Align Text Rigth to the right flat, and Justify to the left and right. To be able to use all three types of alignment that has been mentioned before, we can do the following:
1. Highlight a paragraph and then hit Ctrl-E or press the Center on paragraph group. The result will be centered paragraph.2. Highlight a paragraph and press Ctrl-R or press the Align To Right the paragraph group. The result will be a paragraph right.3. Highlight a paragraph and press Ctrl-J or press Justify the paragraph group. The result will be left justified paragraphs and right.
1. Bullets and Numbering
Bullet useful to make paragraphs grained, whereas Numbering to create numbered paragraphs. Here is how to create grained and numbered paragraphs:
1. Highlight the text or paragraph.2. Press the Numbering.3. Select the desired type of Numbering eg numeric, then the paragraph or the highlighted text will be numbered.4. To change the position numbering, press the Line Spacing Line Spacing and select Options and then change the value of the Left indent as expected.
2. Header and Footer
Header is used to make the header text which is located at the top of the document. Header usually contains the document title or chapter, while Footer used to make footer text documents are located at the bottom, and usually contains a page number or subtitle document. Steps to make the header and footer are as follows:
1. Press the button located on the Header & Footer Header gurp.2. Drag the scrollbar down and select Pinstripes.3. On the Type the document title typing the title of the document being worked on4. Once completed in the Design tab and select Footer button Pinstripes.
5. In the Type section subtitled text typed document that is being done.6. Press the Close button to exit the Header and Footer from the Header & Footer.
3. Multilevel List
Multilevel list useful for creating multilevel paragraph that has many subtitle. Here's how to create a multilevel paragraph:
1. Prepare a new document.2. Press tomnol Multilevel List in the paragraph group.3. Select the type of multilevel lists that both the library list.4. Type the text paragraphs to the first level.5. Place the cursor at the end of the first text and press enter.6. Press the tab key once to change the paragraph level.7. Type the text paragraph to the second level.8. Repeat steps 5,6,7 until sublevel required.
1. Picture
Picture is a command to import the image file into the document. Word 2007 supports many image file formats such as WMF, BMP, JPG, and PNG. Here are the steps to be able to import an image into the document:
1. Place the cursor over the first paragraph.2. Select the Insert tab.3. In the illustrations group press the Picture.4. Once the insert picture dialog box appears, select an image to be included into the document.5. Press the Insert button.
6. Select the handle is located on the corner of each image to resize the image.
2. ClipArt
ClipArt useful to take a picture, movie, or sound that has been provided by Office 2007. Here are the steps to add ClipArt the document:
1. Select the Insert tab.2. In the Illustrations group ClipArt button.3. Select a picture, movie, or sound to be added to the document.4. Drag the image into the document.5. Adjust the image size by dragging the resize handles are shown.
3. WordArt
WordArt is used to create artistic text. WordArt is usually used to create the document title. Word 2007 provides approximately 30 variations of the artistic text that can be easily accessed via the Text group on the Insert tab. Here are the steps to useWordArt:
1. Make a text, then highlight.2. Select the Insert tab.3. In gurp Text select the WordArt.4. After the Edit WordArt Text dialog box appears therein have written previously highlighted text.5. Select the type of WordArt to use, then press the OK button.
4. SmartArt
SmartArt is a new fsilitas in Word 2007 that allows you to create diagrams. With SmartArt we can convey information visually with a wide selection of charts that have been provided such as list, process, cycle, hierarchy, relationship, matrix, and pyramid. Here's how to add SmartArt into the document:
1. Select the tab insert.2. In the group select the SmartArt illustrations.3. Once the dialog box Choose a SmartArt Graphic appears select the type of chart you want to use, press the OK button.4. On the Type your text here to enter text list.5. Press the Close button to close the window.6. Select the diagram that has been used before, then in the SmartArt Styles group select White Outline.
5. Chart
Chart is useful to create a graph that illustrates the comparison data. Different types of charts that have been available in Word 2007 include column, line, pie, bar, area, etc.. Steps to add a chart into a document is:
1. Select the tab insert.2. In the illustrations group press the Chart.3. After the Insert Chart dialog box appears, select the type of chart you want to use and press OK.4. After appearing alongside windows word and excel, enter the data to be compared in the chart.5. Replace any text title as required.V. ADJUSTING THE PICTURE FORMAT
1. Brightness and Contrast
Brightness allows you to adjust the image to be dark or light, while Contrast is used to set the value of the contrast of a picture. Here are the steps to set the brightness and contrast in the image:
1. select the Insert tab, then press the Picture.2. select the image to be inserted into the document.3. after the image into a document, select the image then the Format tab will appear on the ribbon.4. the group adjust the Brightness button.5. determine the levels of light and dark images as desired.6. Next select the Adjust Contrast to the group.7. determine the level of contrast of the image as desired.
2. Change Picture
Change Picture used to replace an image that has a specific format. With this feature we can change the image format but still using the existing format in the previous image. Here are the steps to replace the image on the document:
1. select the image to be replaced, then the group adjust Picture Reset button to remove the existing format of the drawing.2. Picture Styles on the More button for more menampilak style images.3. select a style.4. make sure the Format tab is active.5. Adjust the group Change Picture button.
6. After the Insert Picture dialog box appears select the images to be used instead.7. Press the insert.
3. Shape and Picture Picture Border
Picture shape is used to implement the specific forms of the figure, while the picture is used to change the border color of the picture frame. Here are the steps to create a frame in the picture:
1. Select the images contained in the documents that will be framed.2. Activate the Format tab.3. In Group Picture styles press the picture shape.4. Select the desired frame shape.5. To change the color of the frame, press the Picture Border.6. Select the desired color.
1. Table
Table is used to create tables. Features table in word 2007 has been enhanced with the design and layout settings are more structured so that the process of creating tables easier and faster. Here's how to create a table:
1. Select the Insert tab.2. Press the Table button and drag to the required amount.3. Customize your table with the margin of the document.
4. Place the cursor at the bottom and the end of the right table, select the Layout tab on the Group Rows and colums Insert Right button to add a new column to the right one.5. In the same way in step 4, now press the Insert Below to add a new row at the bottom.
2. Mail Merge
Mail Merge is useful to make a complete set of documents with the same data such as your name and address on the letter was also used on the envelope or label. Here's how to use mail merge:
1. Make a note.2. Select the Mailings tab.3. In the Start Mail Merge group press the Select Recipients, and then select the Type New List.4. Seteleah New Address List dialog box appears enter a name in the First Name and address in the Address Line 1.
5. Press the New Entry to add a new data record, then enter the name and new address. Repeat this step to achieve the required number of letters.6. When finished press tombok OK.7. In the Save Address List dialog box File name section typing a file name to store the newly created address, then press the Save button.
8. Place the cursor on the letter head to add the name of the person who will be sent a letter.9. Press the Insert Merge Field button on the Write & Insert Fields group, then select the First Name field.10. Place the cursor at the mailing address will be sent.
11. Press the Insert Merge Field no Write & Insert Fields group, then select Address Line 1 field.12. In group results preview Preview Results button to display the name and address of the data that has been prepared on the field.13. To change the data press the Next Record on Preview Results group.14. To return to the previous data Previous Record button.
1. Protect Document
Protect Document is useful to protect the document from being edited by unauthorized parties. Here are the steps to protect the document:
1. In the active document.2. Select the Review tab.3. In the group Protect Protect Document button and then select Restrict Formatting and Editing.4. On the Editing restrictions enable the check box Allow only this type of editing in the document.5. On the Start enforcement press the Yes, strart Enforcing Protection.6. Make sure the option Password protection on, and then enter the code in the Enter new password (optional).7. In the Reenter password to confirm retype the code protection as confirmation.8. When finished press the OK button.
2. Encrypt Document
Encrypt Document used to protect the document from being opened by unauthorized parties. Here are the steps to encrypt a document:
1. In the current document, press the Office Button, select Prepare, select Encrypt Document.2. In the dialog box type the encrypted document protection code to open the document (unlock).3. Press OK, and then retype the code to unlock dukomen (unlock) the Reenter the password and select OK.4. Save the document and close it.5. Open the document, it will display a dialog box pass.
3. Printing a Document
To print a document using the Print command that can be accessed via the Office Button menu.
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