
Electric Current Definition | Definition of Electric Current. An electric current is the amount of electric charge that flows from a point of high potential to low potential point in one second. Events flow of electric current due to electrons moving. Litrik currents can also be interpreted as the amount of voltage divided by the amount of resistance.

Symbols of electric current is the "I", and is divided into direct electrical current (dc) and alternating electric current (ac). The definition of electric current in simple direct current can we interpret that the electric current flowing in the same direction (direct) so that the circuit is determined the positive pole (+) and the negative (-). Current flows from the positive pole to the negative pole. While the alternating electrical current, the current will flow back and forth because it caused changes in the polarity of the voltage (ac).
Formula To Calculate Flow Power | Power Flow Calculation Strong
Electric current formula which is calculated by an electric charge (Q) then,
I = q / t
Description:I: electric current (amperes)q: magnitude of electric charge (coulumb)t: time (second)
Electric current formula which is calculated by power supply voltage (V) then,
I = V / R
Description:I: strong electric current (amperes)V: voltage (volts)R: resistance / electrical resistance (ohms)
The formula calculated electric current electric power (P) then,
P = I squared multiplied by RI = Root of (P / R)
Keteragan:P: Power (watts)
Power Flow Theory. There are several theories related to the electric current that is like the theory of ohm's law and Kirchhoff's laws. At ohms law means that the amount of electrical current flowing current is the quotient between the potential difference with prisoners. While in law Kirchoff describes the electric current enters a branching point. All the theory is correct and has been proven convincingly. If you believe in the theory that less is standard, then you can practice to do beberpaa testing and measurement. You do make some variation of the electrical circuit, and perform measurements on each variation, then match the measurement results with theoretical calculations.
Sources of Electric Current. In general, we know some of the current sources capable of generating electricity were the like: an electric generator, battery dry and accumulato. For batteries and the batteries can supply a direct electrical current (dc). For example, the power generator's electricity. Generator coupled to the turbine generator system. The system can pembangit with water (hydropower), steam (power plant), gas (power plant), solar (solar), nuclear (nuclear and others.
The conclusion that can be drawn simply on the electric current
In simple terms we can conclude several points regarding this electricity were current. Granted this is my personal analysis, and if you disagree that is fine. Because each opinion usually have a rationale or reason.

* An electric current is like a flow of running water, the water flows from steeper to the low. But an electric current flows from the point of high potential to low potential point. The strong water current that flows equally powerful metaphor with electrical current flowing.
* An electric current will only flow if there is a difference polarity (potential) between sautu point with another point. If there is a balance then, the electrical current will not flow (see Wheatstone bridge theory).
* Flow is two direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC)
* Alternating current flows due to the source voltage polarity changes back and forth, not because of the nature of electric currents. The nature of the flow of electricity were still flowing from the high to the low polarity polarity.
* The electrical current into the branching point, then the current will be shared. This means that the amount of current flowing at all branching is equal to the current source (before entering the branching point), in accordance with the theory of Kirchoff law.
* The amount of current flowing in a circuit depends on the magnitude of the potential difference and the total resistance in the circuit. It is legal ohm.

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