Quantum physics is physics pioneered by Einstein, but then hated myself. Quantum physics suggest that the universe is probabilistic or random upset. In denial, Einstein supposedly once commented: "Nature is full secrecy because he exalted, not cheat". Some interpret sentences with Einstein's "God does not play dice" or "God does not gamble."
The word quantum in KBBI (ku · s · tum n 1 the number (amount) of something; 2 parts dr energy that can not be divided anymore) do not describe what is meant by quantum physics. Its meaning in the entry tercatum particles (za · rah n 1 item (material) that subtle; particles ;).
In quantum physics, radiation is a particle. Only, zarahnya subdivided. Particles that can occupy a spot together, are called bosons. Zarah individualist, unwilling together, called fermions. However, a combination of fermions become bosons even number, whereas the combined fixed boson boson. Added weird.
In 1913 Niels Bohr atomic concepts expressed as atomic nuclei surrounded by electrons in orbit, such as the sun surrounded by satellites. Different orbits have different energy levels. Electrons can jump from one orbit to another orbit by the energy released or received. If the electron receives energy, it can jump from a low-energy orbit to higher energy orbit. Conversely, if for whatever reason the electron jumps from a higher energy orbit to a lower energy orbit, dilepaskanlah energy. Uptake or removable energy is called a photon. Photons are bosons. Photon is a particle of light, a quantum of light, pack light. You know the LED (Light Emitting Diode), right? Electrons in LED leaped to a lower energy level (because we gave him electric voltage) that looks on (release photons). Leap between different low energy light produces an invisible (infrared, we use the TV remote control and air conditioning). Leap to the larger energy gap produces a red color. Differences greater energy produces light yellow, then green, then blue. So the resulting color is the color of the original LED, no need to be a certain color wrap. Your new TV screen may consist of millions of LED red, green, and blue. The combination of these three color intensity gave millions of other colors. If the intensity of the three colors is zero, the resulting color is black.
Events quantum physics do not feel have invaded our lives. Quantum physics has enabled the development of electronics and communication technologies. The sensation of color is quantum physics events. Be thankful if you are not color blind.
Description given by the Bohr atom is not completely true. Erwin Schrodinger formulate theories about the atomic mechanisms so that the theory called quantum mechanics, and explained that the electrons do not orbit regularly around the atomic nucleus. Electron filling space around the nucleus of an atom with a probability of its existence. Probability is shaped clouds or fog nuclei. If we do not measure it on purpose, we do not know where the electron is.
Tunneling, is a phenomenon in which something across the barrier, but it has not enough energy to climb the barrier to cross it. Objects experiencing tunneling did not climb, but penetrate the barrier wall to get to the other side, like a ghost. Tunneling is allowed by quantum physics, where the position of something is a probability, and the probability of the existence of something across the wall is not zero.
I've never had a car that had entered the garage of a sudden found outside. Although the theory of quantum states chances (probability) is not zero. After all, the car is not a particle.
Probability is a concept that can be interpreted in various. In this context, the probability of a pattern that appears when data or events that occur numerous. For example, by tossing a coin toss. Since the coin only has two sides, if both sides equal probability of occurring, then we call it has a probability of 50% to get ahead, and 50% to get back. This does not mean that if we flip a coin twice will always obtained one front and one rear. It could be four tosses all provide future. In ten tosses probably gained 8 front and 2 rear. If we multiply the number of throws, the comparison of the emergence of the front and rear will be close to 50:50. After 1000 the throw, it could be obtained 513 front and 487 rear (51.3% before). After a million tosses may be obtained 500 034 499 766 front and rear (50.003% front and rear 49.976%). The latter if we rounded up to one decimal numbers alone will give 50:50.
So if my car only one and had entered the garage, then so can be found outside without anyone moving (due to tunneling) after a million years. And tomorrow I remove the car on purpose.
The event that has little probability would arise if the process lasts endlessly. Tunnel diodes (tunnel diodes), for example. Impact of electron tunneling in this diode causes a negative resistance (flow down with increasing voltage). Negative resistance is a recipe for generating oscillations. Tunnel diodes are used as oscillators in electronic and telecommunication equipment. Tunneling occurs because the number of electrons involved a great deal, and resources given continuously.
One of the important principles in quantum physics are: The flow of energy is not continuous, but the form of the quantum or packet. The implication, as well as changes in energy, in the form of packets. The change is a multiple of the smallest packages. Multiples it used to be called the smallest quantum of action, the value 6.62606957 × 10-34 Joule seconds. Now this number called Planck's constant. Planck discovered this number in 1899, when she was perplexed by his equations to describe the stacking hot body radiation. The equation has many answers, except when it is considered emitted radiation is not continuous, but in packets. Package or a multiple quantum minuscule numbers, 6.62606957 × 10-34 Joule seconds. Planck's explanation of this strange hope will be remedied by other researchers. But even Einstein's photoelectric theory confirms, that the radiation is shaped packages or quantum. Einstein's theory of photoelectric give a Nobel prize.
Planck's constant is now a physics lab materials. Practitioner was asked to calculate the Planck constant with equipment that has now been considered simple: a number of different color LED, power supplies, resistors, voltmeters, spectrometers. The formula: E = EVO = hc / λ.
e is the electron charge.
Vo is the voltage LED Flash.
c is the speed of light
λ is the wavelength of the LED generated light.
Planck's constant when written in decimal would be 0.00 ... 06 626, with 33 pieces of zeros after the decimal point before the 6. Really small, so as to ease the daily equal to zero, and we may only consider the energy flow in our homes that turn on the lights, TV, refrigerator, washing machine, water pump, etc.. is continuous. So far, we have no doubt that the air, water and all the things that we can touch is continuous. In fact they are made up of molecules and atoms that form discrete or packet or quantum. Atom itself consists of atomic nuclei (protons and neturon) were shrouded in mist electrons. Volume fog of electrons is much larger than the nucleus, so that in fact these objects are empty space, and that space is formed by the electron haze. While we know that it's not called the electron haze fog caused by the large electron seliweran, but only a few electrons have a probability of being shaped space forming clouds or fog.
In short, quantum physics states that all particles (molecules or atoms, and all the smaller ones) are always moving, and random movements, emit or absorb energy packet (quantum). The higher the temperature, the faster the movement. In gas, the faster motion is causing the pressure rise. In the liquid, heating causes some atoms acquire enough energy to escape from the bonds of the liquid and a gas (vapor). In solids, heat causes the bonds to weaken so dense melt.
That is quite disturbing is the assertion that particle motion is random, or probabilistic nature. Accustomed to the prediction that always proved right, Einstein did not like quantum physics.
I'm still ok just any word quantum physics, because I only know a little. However I believe the experts. They have allowed the industrialists to reap a profit, and make our lives more comfortable. I also live in a macro scale, not at the level of particles.

The word quantum in KBBI (ku · s · tum n 1 the number (amount) of something; 2 parts dr energy that can not be divided anymore) do not describe what is meant by quantum physics. Its meaning in the entry tercatum particles (za · rah n 1 item (material) that subtle; particles ;).
In quantum physics, radiation is a particle. Only, zarahnya subdivided. Particles that can occupy a spot together, are called bosons. Zarah individualist, unwilling together, called fermions. However, a combination of fermions become bosons even number, whereas the combined fixed boson boson. Added weird.
In 1913 Niels Bohr atomic concepts expressed as atomic nuclei surrounded by electrons in orbit, such as the sun surrounded by satellites. Different orbits have different energy levels. Electrons can jump from one orbit to another orbit by the energy released or received. If the electron receives energy, it can jump from a low-energy orbit to higher energy orbit. Conversely, if for whatever reason the electron jumps from a higher energy orbit to a lower energy orbit, dilepaskanlah energy. Uptake or removable energy is called a photon. Photons are bosons. Photon is a particle of light, a quantum of light, pack light. You know the LED (Light Emitting Diode), right? Electrons in LED leaped to a lower energy level (because we gave him electric voltage) that looks on (release photons). Leap between different low energy light produces an invisible (infrared, we use the TV remote control and air conditioning). Leap to the larger energy gap produces a red color. Differences greater energy produces light yellow, then green, then blue. So the resulting color is the color of the original LED, no need to be a certain color wrap. Your new TV screen may consist of millions of LED red, green, and blue. The combination of these three color intensity gave millions of other colors. If the intensity of the three colors is zero, the resulting color is black.
Events quantum physics do not feel have invaded our lives. Quantum physics has enabled the development of electronics and communication technologies. The sensation of color is quantum physics events. Be thankful if you are not color blind.
Description given by the Bohr atom is not completely true. Erwin Schrodinger formulate theories about the atomic mechanisms so that the theory called quantum mechanics, and explained that the electrons do not orbit regularly around the atomic nucleus. Electron filling space around the nucleus of an atom with a probability of its existence. Probability is shaped clouds or fog nuclei. If we do not measure it on purpose, we do not know where the electron is.
Tunneling, is a phenomenon in which something across the barrier, but it has not enough energy to climb the barrier to cross it. Objects experiencing tunneling did not climb, but penetrate the barrier wall to get to the other side, like a ghost. Tunneling is allowed by quantum physics, where the position of something is a probability, and the probability of the existence of something across the wall is not zero.
I've never had a car that had entered the garage of a sudden found outside. Although the theory of quantum states chances (probability) is not zero. After all, the car is not a particle.
Probability is a concept that can be interpreted in various. In this context, the probability of a pattern that appears when data or events that occur numerous. For example, by tossing a coin toss. Since the coin only has two sides, if both sides equal probability of occurring, then we call it has a probability of 50% to get ahead, and 50% to get back. This does not mean that if we flip a coin twice will always obtained one front and one rear. It could be four tosses all provide future. In ten tosses probably gained 8 front and 2 rear. If we multiply the number of throws, the comparison of the emergence of the front and rear will be close to 50:50. After 1000 the throw, it could be obtained 513 front and 487 rear (51.3% before). After a million tosses may be obtained 500 034 499 766 front and rear (50.003% front and rear 49.976%). The latter if we rounded up to one decimal numbers alone will give 50:50.
So if my car only one and had entered the garage, then so can be found outside without anyone moving (due to tunneling) after a million years. And tomorrow I remove the car on purpose.
The event that has little probability would arise if the process lasts endlessly. Tunnel diodes (tunnel diodes), for example. Impact of electron tunneling in this diode causes a negative resistance (flow down with increasing voltage). Negative resistance is a recipe for generating oscillations. Tunnel diodes are used as oscillators in electronic and telecommunication equipment. Tunneling occurs because the number of electrons involved a great deal, and resources given continuously.
One of the important principles in quantum physics are: The flow of energy is not continuous, but the form of the quantum or packet. The implication, as well as changes in energy, in the form of packets. The change is a multiple of the smallest packages. Multiples it used to be called the smallest quantum of action, the value 6.62606957 × 10-34 Joule seconds. Now this number called Planck's constant. Planck discovered this number in 1899, when she was perplexed by his equations to describe the stacking hot body radiation. The equation has many answers, except when it is considered emitted radiation is not continuous, but in packets. Package or a multiple quantum minuscule numbers, 6.62606957 × 10-34 Joule seconds. Planck's explanation of this strange hope will be remedied by other researchers. But even Einstein's photoelectric theory confirms, that the radiation is shaped packages or quantum. Einstein's theory of photoelectric give a Nobel prize.
Planck's constant is now a physics lab materials. Practitioner was asked to calculate the Planck constant with equipment that has now been considered simple: a number of different color LED, power supplies, resistors, voltmeters, spectrometers. The formula: E = EVO = hc / λ.
e is the electron charge.
Vo is the voltage LED Flash.
c is the speed of light
λ is the wavelength of the LED generated light.
Planck's constant when written in decimal would be 0.00 ... 06 626, with 33 pieces of zeros after the decimal point before the 6. Really small, so as to ease the daily equal to zero, and we may only consider the energy flow in our homes that turn on the lights, TV, refrigerator, washing machine, water pump, etc.. is continuous. So far, we have no doubt that the air, water and all the things that we can touch is continuous. In fact they are made up of molecules and atoms that form discrete or packet or quantum. Atom itself consists of atomic nuclei (protons and neturon) were shrouded in mist electrons. Volume fog of electrons is much larger than the nucleus, so that in fact these objects are empty space, and that space is formed by the electron haze. While we know that it's not called the electron haze fog caused by the large electron seliweran, but only a few electrons have a probability of being shaped space forming clouds or fog.
In short, quantum physics states that all particles (molecules or atoms, and all the smaller ones) are always moving, and random movements, emit or absorb energy packet (quantum). The higher the temperature, the faster the movement. In gas, the faster motion is causing the pressure rise. In the liquid, heating causes some atoms acquire enough energy to escape from the bonds of the liquid and a gas (vapor). In solids, heat causes the bonds to weaken so dense melt.
That is quite disturbing is the assertion that particle motion is random, or probabilistic nature. Accustomed to the prediction that always proved right, Einstein did not like quantum physics.
I'm still ok just any word quantum physics, because I only know a little. However I believe the experts. They have allowed the industrialists to reap a profit, and make our lives more comfortable. I also live in a macro scale, not at the level of particles.
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