We already know that Newton's laws can be divided into three types, namelyNewton's law I, II, and III. For Newton's Law I used for the case of objectsstationary or moving uniformly straight (? Fx = 0 or? Fy = 0), Newton's Law IIused for the case of objects moving with constant acceleration (? Fx = m.ax or? Fy = m.ay), Newton's third law (Faction = - Freaksi). Besides finding threelaw of motion, Newton was also the movements of celestial bodies, namelyplanets and moons. He knew from the first that there should be laws that forcework on the moon, so the moon remains in orbit around the earth circles.If the style does not exist, then surely the moon will move in line trajectorystraight.At this time also, Newton thought about gravity issues whichapparently not related to the force exerted on the moon. He observedthat an object is released from a certain height above the earth's surfacealways going to fall freely to the surface of the earth (ground). This is of course dueit works on a pull force, called gravity. If thework force to an object, then of course the style is caused by other objects(Newton's third law). Because every object in free fall is always disposed tothe surface of the earth, Newton concluded that the Earth was the center of thework force on the object, the direction is always toward the center of the earth.According to the story, when Newton was sitting relaxed in his home park andnoticed an apple falling from the tree tops. Suddenly ariseinspiration that if the force of gravity works on the tops of trees, and evenat the top of the mountain, then the force of gravity can certainly work on the moon.Based on this idea newton gravity with the help and encouragementhis friend Robert Hooke, formulate the law of gravity is generally a veryfamous.In this work, Newton comparison between the force of gravityearth attract the moon and draw objects on the earth's surface.Gravitational acceleration experienced by each object on the surface of the earth is 9.8 m/s2.Distance of the moon from the center of the earth or the moon's orbit radius = 3.84 × 108 m, anddistance of the earth from the center of the earth or fingers bunmi = 6.4 × 106 m. This means thatdistance of the moon from the Earth's center is 60 × the center distance of the earth from the earth.Finally, Newton concluded that the force of gravity on an objectF, decreases with the square of the distance, r, from the center of the earth.Newton realized that gravity does not only depend on the distance,but it also depends on the mass of the object. Newton's third law states thatwhen the earth's gravity working on an object (eg, month), thenit will work on the magnitude of the force on the same earth but heropposite.Newton continues to analyze gravitation. He examined datathat has been collected about the orbits of the planets around the sun. OfThis data set him get that done gravitational sunon the planet that keeps planets in orbit around the sun still turnsalso reduced the inverse square of the distance of the planets fromsun. Because of this inverse square proportionality, then Newtonconcluded that the gravitational forces that keep the sun at planetlah planetplanetremain in its orbit around the sun. Furthermore Newtonapply Newton's law of gravity general, yan said:The gravitational force between two objects is an attractive force thatproportional to the mass of each object andinversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.The magnitude of the force of gravity can be written by the equation:F12 = F21 = F = G m1 m2/r2By:F12 = F21 = F = the force of attraction between two objects (N)G = constant of gravitym1 = mass of object 1 (kg)m2 = mass of object 2 (kg)r = distance between the two objects (m)
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